Maryam Rajavi – Annual gathering of the Iranian Resistance – Paris- June 2014 – All for freedom
گردهمايي عظيم ايرانيان و حاميان مقاومت ايران از69 كشور جهان روز جمعه 6 تير(27ژوئن) با شركت بيش از600شخصيت سياسي، حقوقدان، با تمايلات مختلف سياسي از كشورهاي مختلف جهان در سالن ويلپنت پاريس
مريم رجوي، سخنران ويژه اين گردهمايي گفت: مقاومت ايران خواهان يك جمهوري براساس جدايي دين از دولت، برابري زن و مرد، لغو حكم اعدام و يك ايران غيراتمي است. وي افزود: «گردهمايي امروز بازتاب خواست مردم ايران از همه اقشار از جمله زندانيان سياسي براي آزادي و دموكراسي است. زمان آن است كه جامعه بين المللي در كنار مردم ايران قرار گيرد».
Maryam Rajavi – Annual gathering of the Iranian Resistance: All for freedom – Paris- June 2014
Huge gathering of supporters of the Iranian Resistance from 69 countries convened on June 27, 2014, in the Villepente Auditorium of Paris while 600 prominent political personalities and jurists attended.
The Iranian Resistance’s President-elect was the keynote speaker. She told the gathering: The Iranian Resistance seeks a republic and a non-nuclear Iran based on the separation of religion and state, women’s equality, abolishment of the death penalty. She said the gathering reflected the demands of the Iranian people including political prisoners for freedom and democracy and called on the international community to stand on the side of the Iranian people.