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21 Aug 2024

124 executions in the past month alone speak volumes

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124 executions in the past month alone speak volumes

Mrs. Rajavi: Nothing has changed in the government and leadership of the mullahs, and nothing will change.
Regarding his new cabinet, Pezeshkian said what he wasn’t supposed to and admitted that Khamenei personally selects and approves the ministers, and everything is done in coordination with the “security organizations, the IRGC, the Intelligence Organization, and all those we must reach an agreement with.” Pezeshkian had initially stated that he joined the administration because he saw the regime in danger, and his agenda was implementing Khamenei’s policies.
However, the Iranian people’s agenda is to dismantle Khamenei’s apparatus and the entirety of the regime of Velayat-e Faqih
about the state of the regime and its new president
In the midst of a new wave of executions, Iran’s new president, emphasizing his and his ministers’ loyalty to Velayat-e Faqih, desperately appealed to the Majlis (Iran’s Parliament) to approve his cabinet in order to navigate the ongoing crises. He warned that without such approval, “I doubt we can emerge from these crises.”
Pezeshkian, in his bid to win the approval of the regime’s warring factions in this power struggle, was forced to lift the veil and expose Khamenei’s hand, saying: “Why are you making me say things I shouldn’t?” He added, “We did nothing without coordination, whether with the lower committees or at the top [with Khamenei], with those we had to coordinate with… We agreed with all those we had to, including the security organizations, the IRGC, the Intelligence Organization, and all we needed to agree with.”
Pezeshkian admitted, for example, that Khamenei’s phone order appointed the Minister of Culture, and the only woman introduced as the Minister of Roads and Urban Development in this cabinet was selected because, as he put it, “It was the Leader himself who said she should be appointed.” Similarly, “Araghchi, the Foreign Minister was the first minister approved by him (Khamenei). Even before the list of ministers was discussed, he approved him.”
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, noted that all of this clearly demonstrates that the new government of the mullahs, like previous administrations, is merely a tool in the hands of Khamenei and the IRGC. It shows no divergence from the key policies of the regime, especially in terms of repression, plundering, nuclear projects, terrorism, and foreign warmongering. It is no surprise that today, Pezeshkian addressed the parliament of the regime about himself and his ministers: “Trust us; it’s not like someone would come in opposition to Velayat (Khamenei), and I would compromise with them.” He even swore: “By God, we are resolute in achieving the vision set by the Supreme Leader.”
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
21 August 2024

Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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