30 Jun 2018

Maryam Rajavi: The wheels of change have begun turning in Iran

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Maryam Rajavi: The wheels of change have begun turning in Iran

At a press briefing in the beginning of the Free Iran Grand Gathering on June 30, 2018, in Paris, Maryam Rajavi once again declared the positions of the Iranian Resistance and the demands of the arisen people of Iran before international media correspondents. Below is the full text of her remarks.

Good afternoon,

As you saw this past week, Tehran rose up and shook the ruling religious dictatorship ruling Iran. Most other Iranian cities have been simmering.

These uprisings made it clear that the wheels of change have begun turning in Iran, and nothing can stop a determined nation from obtaining freedom.

A page has turned in Iran.

The regime cannot prevent the continuation and expansion of the Iranian people’s uprising,
which began six months ago. There is no going back.

The Iranian people’s uprising, assisted by the rebel-units formed nationwide by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, is successfully advancing.

The Iranian people are determined to overthrow this regime and all its factions, and establish a pluralist, representative republic based on separation of religion and state.

My message at this gathering to all my compatriots across Iran is that:

The regime is extremely vulnerable. Expand the rebel-units. The regime’s overthrow is only possible by the Iranian people and resistance.

Regime change in Iran is within reach as never before. A bright future, without execution, torture, discrimination, and suppression is looming.

And my message to the International community is:

First, recognize the struggle of the Iranian people and the Resistance to end the religious dictatorship ruling Iran. This is the minimum which must be done to rectify the damage inflicted on the Iranian people by decades of appeasing the mullahs’ regime.

Second, the dangers posed by the regime’s nuclear weapons and missile programs, and its terrorism and regional meddling will end by overthrowing the mullahs and establishing democracy in Iran.

The Iranian regime must be held accountable for its violations of human rights of the Iranian people.

Third, impose a total oil and financial embargo on the regime. End business dealings with entities affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and Khamenei’s office.

Condition any ties with the regime on ending of suppression of the Iranian people, export of terrorism, and meddling in Middle East countries.

Thank you

Maryam Rajavi: The wheels of change have begun turning in Iran

Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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