04 Dec 2019

Maryam Rajavi: Death toll in Iran uprising surpasses 1,000

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Maryam Rajavi: Death toll in Iran uprising surpasses 1,000

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) published an additional list of the heroic victims of the Iranian people’s uprising. The number of those killed in the protests that swept across 189 cities has risen to above 1,000. According to reports received by the Iranian Resistance from inside the country, the Iranian regime’s State Security Force alone have recorded 1,029 deaths related to the protests.

The PMOI/MEK published the identities of a further 46 martyrs of the uprising. The names of 301 protesters killed by the Iranian regime’s agents and state security forces have been published so far. The large number of teenagers among the dead is striking. In many instances, the regime used heavy machine guns, helicopters, and tanks to suppress the protests.

The governor of Tehran admitted that 2,021 persons were arrested during the protests in Tehran Province alone. The Iranian Resistance had announced earlier that the regime’s security forces had arrested over 12,000 nationwide.

This shocking crackdown against defenseless people in Iran who were protesting 40 years of criminal rule of the corrupt mullahs who have plundered the nation, is one of the most horrific crimes of the 21st century and by any measure amounts to a manifest crime against humanity.

Maryam Rajavi: I salute heroic martyrs of the uprising. I urge the United Nations Security Council, the European Union and its member states to condemn this horrendous mass killing by the Iranian regime and to take urgent action to stop this crime against humanity and secure the release all those arrested.

Inaction vis-à-vis the regime’s massacre of Iranian people is inexcusable and the mullahs will construe it as a green light to continue and intensify their crimes and leave a deep scar on the conscience of humanity.

I call on the UN Secretary General to send a fact-finding mission without delay to investigate the extent of the killings and visit detention centers in Iran.

I also urge the UN Security Council and its president to declare the massacre of the Iranian people by the regime as a crime against humanity, and to bring the heads of this regime and those responsible for this horrific crime to justice. The international community must ostracize the bloody ruling dictatorship in Iran from the community of nations and bring to justice Khamenei, Rouhani, and the regime’s other officials.

Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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