16 May 2024

Conference at the National Assembly of France

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Conference at the National Assembly of France

Maryam Rajavi: The overthrow of the clerical regime is the fundamental condition for global peace and security

On Tuesday, May 14, 2024, a conference was convened at the French National Assembly upon an invitation by the Parliamentary Committee for a Democratic Iran (CPID) to express support for the Iranian people’s Resistance. Maryam Rajavi, some members of the French National Assembly and Senate, and prominent French dignitaries attended and addressed the event.

Philippe Gosselin, Vice President of the Law Committee of the French National Assembly, presided over the conference. He presented a declaration titled, “Supporting Freedom and Resistance in Iran for Global Peace and Security,” signed by more than 150 French deputies.

In their declaration, the French deputies expressed their support for Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan and affirmed the rights of Resistance Units in Iran to confront the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Additionally, they called for the prosecution of perpetrators of crimes against humanity in Iran and the designation of the IRGC as a terrorist entity.

Speakers at this conference included French MPs André Chassaigne, President of the Communist Group and Vice President of CPID; Philippe Gosselin, Vice President of CPID; Hervé Saulignac, Vice President of CPID; Gérard Leseul from the Socialist Party; Gilbert Mitterrand, President of France Liberté (Daniel Mitterrand Foundation); Jean-François Legaret, President of the Middle East Studies Foundation and former mayor of Paris District 1; Ingrid Betancourt, former Colombian presidential candidate; and Jean Pierre Brard, former member of the French National Assembly.

In her speech to the conference, Maryam Rajavi commended the efforts of the Parliamentary Committee for a Democratic Iran in supporting the struggle of the Iranian people and the Iranian Resistance against the mullahs’ dictatorship.

Addressing the widespread boycott of the clerical regime’s sham parliamentary elections, she remarked, “In the second round of the elections, despite all the fraud and rigging, the regime’s Interior Ministry announced that only 7 percent of Tehran residents cast their votes. The boycott confirms that Iranian society is as volatile as a powder keg.”

Mrs. Rajavi further noted that “In addition to the clampdown on women, the clerical regime uses two instruments to evade potential uprisings and overthrow. One of the instruments is warmongering in the region, and the other is stepping up its activities against the organized resistance inside Iran and abroad.”

She reiterated, “For years, the Iranian Resistance has been warning against the danger of the clerical regime’s export of war to the Middle East region. I have repeatedly emphasized that the menace (posed by the regime’s export of war) is more dangerous than the threat of it acquiring a nuclear bomb. However, the P5+1 countries chose to offer concessions and funds to the regime in exchange for a nuclear deal, effectively giving it a free hand for warmongering in the region.”

Maryam Rajavi stated, “Today, the world is witnessing that the head of the snake of the Middle East conflict is the clerical regime, which is on the brink of acquiring a nuclear bomb. If we seek peace and stability in this region, we must focus on fascism in Tehran.”

As stated in the declaration of the French Parliamentary Committee for a Democratic Iran, the first step is to “include the IRGC in the list of terrorist organizations.”

Maryam Rajavi highlighted the clerical regime’s “all-out efforts” against the organized resistance inside Iran, characterized by widespread arrests, an extensive disinformation campaign, and a sham trial for more than 100 members of the Iranian Resistance. She added, “The objective of this demonization campaign and the sham trial is to deter young people from joining this Resistance and to facilitate terrorist operations against the Iranian Resistance, while fabricating cases to restrict the activities of its members.”

“Ebrahim Raisi, the regime’s president, who was involved in the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988, has declared that ‘every member of the PMOI is condemned to death.’”

Maryam Rajavi emphasized, “Today, there is no doubt that the overthrow of the clerical regime is the fundamental condition for global and regional peace and stability.”

Many in the West have mistakenly interpreted the regime’s interventions in the region as a display of its power. However, the truth is that such interventions signify weakness, as they attempt to compensate for the regime’s vulnerability within Iran. The country harbors a volatile social atmosphere, coupled with a robust resistance movement, wherein young people are increasingly joining the Resistance Units. These units operate in all cities, challenging the regime’s suppressive measures.

Our Resistance does not strive for power but seeks to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran.

The Iranian people and the Iranian Resistance resolutely declare, “No to the compulsory Hijab, no to compulsory religion, and no to a compulsory government.”

Maryam Rajavi emphasized, “In your recent declaration, you and 150 members of the French National Assembly have called for the recognition of the right of the people of Iran and Resistance Units to struggle against religious fascism. Resistance against tyranny is an inalienable right of all peoples. Thousands of members of parliament worldwide have defended this right of the people of Iran.”

She continued, “It is time for Western governments to muster the courage to acknowledge this right. With this initiative, you will be at the forefront of promoting peace and security in a world rid of the mullahs’ dictatorship.”

Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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