On the eve of the New Year, Maryam Rajavi visited some of the residents of Manzë and Durrës in regions afflicted by the earthquake and expressed her sympathies.
Archbishop of Tirana and Durrës expresses sympathy with the people of Iran in his Christmas Eve prayer
Commemorating the 40th day of the martyrdom of the victims of Iran Uprising at Ashraf-3
Commemoration of martyrs of the Iran uprising
On the sidelines of the Iranian Resistance’s Free Iran Gathering at Ashraf-3 in July 2019, hundreds of international personalities from 47 nations attended a reception in...
Maryam Rajavi’s remarks in meeting with French elected officials
Speech at the French National Assembly, conference on “Iran: Suppression, Belligerence, Need for a Serious Approach"
Seeking justice for victims of the 1988 massacre in Iran is a patriotic commitment
Press Conference – European Parliament – Strasbourg
Maryam Rajavi’s speech at the Parliament of Europe – Presentation of the book on the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran