Event Reports

This is the spring of uprising. Be it that in this victorious journey, the uprisings culminate in the spring of freedom

This is the spring of uprising. Be it that in this victorious journey, the uprisings culminate in the spring of freedom


Iranian women’s responsibility in regime change- Speech by Maryam Rajavi on International Women’s Day- Paris – February 17, 2018

A conference entitled, "Women Force for Change; Iran uprising and the role of women," was held in Paris on Saturday, February 17, 2018, with a number...


Maryam Rajavi: From 1979 Revolution to the Uprising in 2018- For freedom, in the name of freedom, and towards freedom

In remarks marking the anniversary of the anti-monarchic revolution on February 11, 1979, and in the wake of the Iranian people’s uprising December 28, 2017 – mid-January 2018, Maryam Rajavi addressed a meeting on...


Maryam Rajavi: Europe must end its silence and inaction over Iranian regime’s crimes

The first feature was the span and rapid expansion of the protests. In a few days, the protests spread to 142 cities.


Maryam Rajavi in a gathering of members of Council of Europe’s various groups: Support Iran Uprising

Since the start of the nuclear agreement between Iran and the world’s six major powers, the regime’s oil revenues have doubled.


UEL Group on the human rights situation in Iran

On Wednesday, 24 January 2018, the Group of the Unified European Left in the PACE invited the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)


Europe must stand by Iran protesters- Maryam Rajavi’s speech at the official EPP meeting

Upon the invitations of several political groups of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe


Maryam Rajavi at ALDE meeting: I have come to be the voice of those who are presently imprisoned under torture

In the course of her visit to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg on January 24, 2018, Maryam Rajavi attended a meeting...

Maryam Rajavi at UEL meeting: Europe must make its relations with the Iranian regime contingent on the release of prisoners

Upon the invitation of Mr. Tiny Kox, chairman of the United European Left, Maryam Rajavi attended a meeting of this group during her visit to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in...

Maryam Rajavi at press conference in the Parliamentary Assembly of the council of Europe: Immediately free those arrested in Iran uprising

I have come here to call on Europe and the world to take urgent action for the release of thousands of young souls who have been arrested during the uprising.

Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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