The policy of appeasement towards this regime has not only harmed the Iranian people, its primary victims, but has also had disastrous consequences for the entire region and our Arab and Muslim brothers and...
Appeasement towards the mullahs’ regime may lead to more bloodshed among our people and our resistance, it may lengthen the list of executions, and it may fill more prisons.
Maryam Rajavi: A Strategic Response to the Fundamental Mistake in the Policy on Iran
UK Houses of Parliament Declare Support for Iranian People’s Resistance and Uprising
Maryam Rajavi calls for an international campaign to stop executions in Iran
The House Resolution 100, which you initiated, is the best example of a correct policy towards Iran.
Addressing a meeting of the Parliamentary Committee for a Democratic Iran at the National Assembly in Paris
Maryam Rajavi: The Italian Senate's majority support for the Iranian uprising and Resistance and rejection of all forms of dictatorship, including both monarchical and religious regimes
Speech to the PMOI gathering welcoming Liam Fox and Franz-Josef Jung, the former Defense Ministers of UK and Germany
Maryam Rajavi addresses a conference on the Holy Month of Ramadan