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03 Oct 2024

Speeches at the Meetings of the Parliamentary Groups of the European People’s Party (EPP) and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) at the Council of Europe

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Speeches at the Meetings of the Parliamentary Groups of the European People’s Party (EPP) and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) at the Council of Europe

Maryam Rajavi: Recognizing the Alternative and a Democratic Republic in Iran is Essential for Peace and Security in the Region and the World

On Wednesday, October 2, 2024, Maryam Rajavi participated and delivered speeches at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) during the sessions of the European People’s Party (EPP) and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) in Strasbourg.
The session of the European People’s Party was chaired by Mr. Pablo Hispan, the head of the group. In his remarks, Mr. Hispan thanked Mrs. Rajavi for attending the session, stating that she has led the efforts of the Resistance movement to bring democracy to Iran. He highlighted her prominent role in the fight for equality and women’s rights, noting that under her leadership, women in the Iranian Resistance have taken on leading roles.
Mr. Hispan added that she opposes fundamentalism and, in contrast to the Iranian regime, advocates for a tolerant and democratic Islam. Over the past decade, Mrs. Rajavi has led the movement for justice for the victims of executions and has advanced the campaign against the death penalty both inside and outside Iran.
In her speech at the European People’s Party parliamentary session, Maryam Rajavi said:
Please allow me first to address last night’s developments. The missile attacks carried out by the Iranian regime made it clear again that the head of the snake of terrorism and warmongering in that part of the world is the religious dictatorship ruling Iran.
Warmongering and exporting terrorism are the other side of the coin of suppression, killings and executions in Iran, and is part of the regime’s strategy for survival.
The clerical regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, has repeatedly declared that if we do not fight outside of Iran’s borders, we will have to fight the enemy in Iranian cities. By “enemy,” he means an explosive society and the Resistance Units.
This explains why the regime needs proxy forces, for whom it plunders the Iranian people’s wealth and resources. Therefore, as long as this regime is in power, the Middle East will not experience peace and tranquility.
This is why we have been insisting for years that the recognition of the alternative and the establishment of a democratic republic are necessary for peace and security in the region and the world.
I stand before you today under circumstances where the Iranian regime’s killing machine is operating at full force. The number of executions has reached 223, including eight women, in the two months since Pezeshkian took office as the regime’s president.


Eighteen years ago, in 2006, I announced the Iranian Resistance’s Ten-Point Plan for the future of Iran, right here, in this same place.
One of the key points of this plan emphasizes the abolition of the death penalty.
Once again, on the verge of the World Day against the Death Penalty, I urge the Council of Europe and the Parliamentary Assembly that are committed to human rights, to support the international campaign to halt executions in Iran.
Maryam Rajavi added:
Export of terrorism, fundamentalism, and warmongering are the other side of domestic repression and an integral part of the regime’s strategy for survival.
While 80% of the people in Iran live below the poverty line, the oil revenue is spent on creating proxy terrorist groups and provoking conflict in the region and obtaining nuclear bomb.
The regime’s priority is not the well-being of the people but obtaining nuclear weapons. The regime’s destructive activities are not limited to the Middle East. Recently, Ukrainian officials announced that over 8,000 drones made by the regime have been launched into their country.
The people of Iran expressed their desire for regime change during the 2022 uprising. Iranian society is like a powder keg, and the widespread repression is intended to prevent another uprising. However, the regime has not been able to put down the flame of the resistance.
Over the past two years, resistance units have intensified their activities across the country. The Iranian people’s demand is the establishment of a democratic, pluralist republic.
The political platform of the National Council of Resistance is based on the separation of religion and state, free elections, gender equality, recognition of autonomy for Iranian nationalities within Iran’s territorial integrity, peaceful coexistence, and a non-nuclear Iran.
Mrs. Rajavi participated in another session at the invitation of the parliamentary group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe. The ALDE meeting was chaired by Mr. Eerik-Niiles Kross, Vice President of the group and former National Security Advisor to the President of Estonia.
At the start of the session, he said: “Our group is pleased to welcome Mrs. Maryam Rajavi. She is the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, a coalition of democratic movements and forces in Iran. In the Iranian Resistance movement, under Mrs. Rajavi’s leadership, women have taken on key responsibilities. She has authored numerous books, articles, and speeches on women’s rights and Islamic fundamentalism.”
Maryam Rajavi, in her speech, referred to the missile attacks of the clerical regime and its warmongering and export of fundamentalism, saying:
As long as this regime is in power, the Middle East will not experience peace and tranquility.
This is why we have been insisting for years that the recognition of the alternative and the establishment of a democratic republic are necessary for peace and security in the region and the world.

parliamentary group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe

Noting the tragedy of suppression, torture, and executions in Iran, she stated:
Two weeks ago, the regime handed down death sentences for three supporters of the PMOI. Here I have the picture of these prisoners. They had been arrested during protests against the regime.
Women and girls continue to be harassed in the streets of Iran. The UN Fact-Finding Mission describes the crackdown during the 2022 uprising and the brutal torture of detainees as a crime against humanity.
In the latest report in July 2024, the UN Special Rapporteur on Iran states that Khamenei and the highest officials of the regime have committed crimes against humanity and genocide. The report urges member states to conduct accountability measures based on universal jurisdiction.
Maryam Rajavi reiterated:
The appeasement of the religious dictatorship over the past four decades has made the regime the greatest threat to peace and stability in the region and the world today. For years, Europe and the U.S have given concessions to the regime under the illusion of reform in this barbaric regime.
However, the people of Iran have never placed their hopes in this regime. There is a widespread and nationwide resistance against this regime. Despite massive repression, more people especially the youth are joining the movement’s Resistance Units.
The organized resistance in Iran consists of young girls and boys who are no longer willing to tolerate the religious dictatorship and are determined for regime change.
Here, on behalf of the people of Iran and the Iranian Resistance, I call upon European countries to:
• Support the “No to Executions” Campaign of the Iranian Resistance, and condition diplomatic and trade relations on halt to executions, terrorism, and hostage taking by the ruling dictatorship in Iran.
• Hold the regime’s leaders accountable for committing genocide and crimes against humanity.
• Designate the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the Ministry of Intelligence as terrorist organizations, close their official and unofficial centers, and expel their mercenaries.
• Democracy in Iran and peace and tranquility in the region can only be achieved by overthrowing this regime. That is only the responsibility of the Iranian people and Resistance. Therefore, recognizing the struggle of young people and Resistance Units against the IRGC to overthrow the mullahs’ regime is necessary more than ever before.

Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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