A Horrific Crime in the Mullahs’ Prisons!

Five prisoners in Urmia await the brutal punishment of finger amputation.
I call upon the United Nations, the European Union, and member countries to voice strong objections and take immediate action. On October 29, 2024, the regime’s henchmen amputated the fingers of two brothers accused of theft, using a guillotine, in this same prison.
The regime’s penal code, under which these criminal sentences are issued, serves as a comprehensive record of human rights violations, including stoning, crucifixion, throwing people from heights, amputations, and eye gouging.
If theft is to be punished by cutting off hands, then the leaders of the regime, commanders of the IRGC, government clerics, and corrupt elites are the greatest thieves of the Iranian people’s wealth and the most prolific embezzlers. They are the ones who have devastated the lives of tens of millions of Iranians, plunging them into poverty. Through such atrocities, Khamenei only fuels the people’s outrage.
The inaction of the global community is a green light for the regime to escalate its crimes.
The Iranian Resistance once again emphasizes the need to expel this regime from the international community. The leaders of this regime must be held accountable for four decades of crimes against humanity, genocide, and war crimes.