Blood bath in Camp Ashraf, a humanitarian catastrophe

More than 2,500 troops equipped with armored vehicles and personnel carriers are involved in Iraqi Army’s attack on Camp AshrafMore than 2,500 troops equipped with armored vehicles and personnel carriers are involved in Iraqi Army’s attack on Camp Ashraf
At least 31 defenseless Ashraf residents, including seven women, have been killed in the attack by Iraqi forces under the command of al-Maliki. Hundreds of residents are taken hostage.The attack was launched at 04:45 am (local time) on Friday by armored, commando, on foot soldier, mechanized forces, and engineering battalions, and rapid deployment and anti-riot battalions. At least 2,500 suppressive forces under Nouri al-Maliki’s command are involved in this criminal attack. Lieutenant General Ali Gheidan, commander of Iraqi infantry army, personally commands this attack.Many of those killed were shot directly and some others were run over by Humvee armored vehicles.The attack takes place following the occupation of Ashraf by armored forces of Iraqi Army that has continued in past few days.
Prior to attack on Ashraf, at least 140 armored vehicles and personnel carriers of the Iraqi Army had taken part in occupation and later used for the attack against Ashraf residents.Partial list of martyrs include: Hassan Avani, Zohair Zakeri, Hanif Kafai, Jaafar Bareji, Fereydoun Eini, Saeed Chavoushi, Mohammad Qayoumi, Qasem Etemadi,Aliakbar Madad-Zadeh, Naser Sepah-Pour, Mohammad-Reza Yazdan-Doust, Massoud Hajiloui-Mobtaker, Mehdi Barzegar, Saeed Reza Pour-Hashem, Fatemeh Messih, Gholam Talgheri, Marzieh Pour-Naghi, Nastran Azimi, Faezeh Rajabi, Asie Rakhshani, Mahdie Madadzade, Zia Pournader, Khalil Kabi, Vargha Soliemani, Mohammadreza Pirzadi, Behrouz Sabet, Ahmad Aghaie, and Shahnaz Pahlevani.This crime against humanity is taking place while the Iranian Resistance and many defenders of human rights had warned about a human catastrophe and bloodbath in Camp Ashraf and had called for necessary action to prevent it.On Thursday evening, Maryam Rajavi, called on US Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Clinton and the United Nations for their intervention to prevent a bloodbath.Based on the information obtained from inside Iranian regime’s Qods force, simultaneous with US Defense Secretary Robert Gates trip to Iraq, the American Forces who had been dispatched to monitor the situation in Camp Ashraf, have been forced to leave the camp on Thursday evening on orders from Nouri al-Maliki.Lack of action on behalf of the United States and international community regarding Ashraf, allowing the massacre of its residents who are protected under the Fourth Geneva Convention and the United States has specifically committed to their protection, is an obvious crime. Al-Maliki and others involved in this attack should be brought to justice for war crimes and crime against international community. The American government and the US forces who have signed an agreement with each and every one of the residents of Ashraf and in return for their weapons pledged to protect them, should be held accountable for these crimes. This criminal attack should immediately stop and oppressive Iraqi forces should leave Ashraf premises.Maryam Rajavi lauded perseverance of Ashraf residents, recalled strongly the responsibility of the government and forces of the United States that had signed an agreement with each resident of Ashraf to protect them in return for their weapons. She called on the US President and Secretary of State, UN Secretary General and Security Council to intervene immediately to stop the criminal attack and get the Iraqi forces leave Ashraf.