Meeting with Brian Binley – British MP

Mr. Brian Binley, Conservative MP for Northampton South-UK, met and held talks with the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in Auvers-sur-Oise, north of Paris, On February 5, 2006. Ms. Dowlat Norouzi, the NCRI representative in the United Kingdom was present in the meeting.
The British Parliamentarian stated that the policy of appeasement, centered around terrorist label against the People’s Mojahedin, is a devastating mistake by the British government and other European countries.
{mosimage}Mr. Brian Binley, Conservative MP for Northampton South-UK, met and held talks with the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in Auvers-sur-Oise, north of Paris, On February 5, 2006. Ms. Dowlat Norouzi, the NCRI representative in the United Kingdom was present in the meeting.
The British MP congratulated Mrs. Rajavi for the referral of the mullahs’ nuclear file to the UN Security Council and emphasized that this was a necessary step in stopping the religious fascism to acquire nuclear bomb which has been made possible by the Iranian Resistance’s continuous endeavors over the past numbers of years.
Mr. Binley noted that the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) had contributed greatly to the world peace and security by revealing mullahs’ secret nuclear programs. Without such revelations, the world would have been facing a much greater danger today, he said.
Mr. Brian Binley reminded the support given by the majority of the British Parliament to the Iranian Resistance and said, “We in the British Parliament are aware of the solution proposed by you as the third option, a feasible approach and the only practical way to stop another war in the region.”
The British Parliamentarian stated that the policy of appeasement, centered around terrorist label against the People’s Mojahedin, is a devastating mistake by the British government and other European countries.
Mrs. Rajavi expressed her gratitude to Mr. Binley and his colleagues’ support in the UK Parliament and appreciated their devotion in defense of democracy and human rights in Iran.
The president-elect of the Iranian Resistance described the British parliamentarians as true friends of the Iranian people who have stood by their desires for peace and democracy.
- Tags: Maryam Rajavi, NCRI