Call on EU to adopt urgent practical measure

She said 6 weeks after the April 8th attack there have yet to be any practical measures to guarantee the protection of Ashraf, an independent investigation has not begun, and the presence of Iraqi military forces and installation of widespread military embankments inside Ashraf have evolved the possibility of further massacres to a permanent threat. The number of loudspeakers for psychological torture of Ashraf residents has been increased from 240 to 300.She said 6 weeks after the April 8th attack there have yet to be any practical measures to guarantee the protection of Ashraf, an independent investigation has not begun, and the presence of Iraqi military forces and installation of widespread military embankments inside Ashraf have evolved the possibility of further massacres to a permanent threat. The number of loudspeakers for psychological torture of Ashraf residents has been increased from 240 to 300.
Maryam Rajavi called on the Council of Ministers to support the European Parliament solution for a peaceful answer to the issue of Ashraf and prevent another humanitarian catastrophe, strongly reject any kind of compulsory displacement of the residents inside Iraq, and request for more cooperation from member states in implementing the European Parliament plan to transfer Ashraf’s patients and wounded residents. Maryam Rajavi also called for the stationing of a permanent UN or EU monitoring team in Ashraf.She emphasized while the European Parliament solution – with its preconditions – enjoys widespread support in Iraq, Europe and the US, the Iranian regime and its elements in Iraq are presenting a plan to relocate the residents inside Iraq with the goal of neutralizing and obliterating the EP plan.This is while Ashraf residents and many European, American and Arab politicians have specifically announced their strong opposition to relocation inside Iraq, considering such a measure as introduction to a new massacre.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 23, 2011