Message to the conference declaring U.S. House Majority’s support for H.Res100

For a democratic republic, secular, and non-nuclear Iran
Honorable Members of the US House of Representatives,
Dear guests,
I want to take this opportunity to commend Chairman Tom McClintock and Congressman Brad Sherman for their leading role in House bipartisan Resolution 100.
I would also like to recognize the House majority members who stood on the side of the Iranian people to offer a sound policy on Iran. You showed the correct side of the history.
Since you introduced this resolution a month ago, the Iranian regime under different pretexts has shown its utmost anger and has resorted to massive rhetoric against the noble Members of U.S. Congress.
Iranian regime at an impasse
But House Majority support for this resolution, is in fact, the decisive response of U.S. House of Representatives to the Iranian regime and the massive disinformation campaign to hinder your support for the Iranian Resistance and people’s uprising.
It demonstrates that the Members of Congress will only increase their support for the people of Iran as they fight for a democratic, free republic based on separation of religion and state.
Nearly six months since the start of the uprising in Iran, the world has witnessed that, despite killing and imprisonment, the Iranian regime has neither the intent nor the capability to offer any solutions.
Instead, the mullahs only know one path, which is more torture, execution and repression.
Since the beginning of the September 2022 uprising, the value of the Iranian currency has dropped to less than half.
The increased repression, coupled with the regime’s disastrous economic policies and corruption, has only deepened the divide between the Iranian people and the ruling theocracy.
Iranian people oppose all forms of dictatorship
Continuing the policy of appeasement by the West, especially over the past six months, has allowed the Iranian regime to evade accountability for its crimes.
Despite brutal suppression inside Iran, the Resistance Units are relentlessly working on a daily basis as change will only come as a result of the struggle waged by the Iranian people and their organized resistance against the IRGC and repressive forces in the Iranian streets.
The Iranian people have shown in the past six months that they reject any form of dictatorship, be it the Shah’s dictatorship or mullahs’ theocracy, and are willing to pay the price to achieve freedom.
Indeed, Iran will be free.
Finally, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, I would like to congratulate everyone rising up for freedom and equality and all those struggling for the elimination of unjust discrimination against women.
On this day, we are proud of the Iranian women who are the forerunners for change.
These brave women are relying on decades of heroic sacrifices of women in the Iranian Resistance who seek to liberate the entire Iranian nation.
I once again thank all of the bi-partisan Members of the U.S. House of Representatives for standing on the right side of history by supporting the just cause of freedom and democracy in Iran.
God Bless you all
- Tags: Iran, mullahs' regime, Women