05 Mar 2024

Conference at the Italian Senate

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Conference at the Italian Senate

Maryam Rajavi: The solution lies with the Iranian people, their resistance movement, and uprising against the clerical regime

On Tuesday, March 5, 2024, a number of Italian senators and members of parliament participated in a conference dealing with the situation of the Iranian regime and the role of the Iranian Resistance. Some political dignitaries also attended this meeting.
Maryam Rajavi joined the conference online and addressed the audience.

Your Excellency Senator Giulio Terzi,
Senators and honorable dignitaries,
I extend warm greetings to everyone on behalf of the Iranian Resistance, which seeks to bring down the misogynist and oppressive religious dictatorship and establish freedom and democracy in Iran.
As we approach International Women’s Day, I extend my sincere respect to my sisters across Italy, particularly the honorable women serving in both chambers of the Italian parliament, who carry the heavy responsibility of legislation.
We remember the uprising that began in September 2022 in Iran, and we are grateful for the support extended by the people of Italy, especially the women, who stood in solidarity with the Iranian people and recognized the brave role of Iranian women at the forefront of the uprisings.

Iranian Women’s Leading Role

The selfless fight of Iranian women against the ruling regime over the past four decades highlights a significant contradiction within Iranian society. This contradiction exists between a misogynist and deeply reactionary regime and a society yearning for freedom.
The prominent role of women in this struggle indicates the progressive essence of Iranian society and its movement towards a democratic and advanced form of government.
In Iran, tens of thousands of women, mostly intellectuals and university and high school students, have been tortured and executed for opposing the clerical regime. Iranian women have resisted numerous forms of oppression and reactionary intimidations.
The struggles of many imprisoned women, enduring brutal tortures or facing direct confrontation with Khamenei’s revolutionary guards, are incredible. This long suffering, however, delivered a decisive force for the struggle of the Iranian people for freedom and democracy. This force is represented by Iranian women, who have earned the historical credibility to defeat the Velayat-e Faqih regime.
The most remarkable outcome of this struggle is the status of women within the Iranian Resistance.
The Central Council of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) is entirely comprised of vanguard women who hold leadership roles at all levels within this movement. Fifty-six percent of the members of the Resistance’s parliament, the NCRI, are women.
The leadership of women in the Resistance Units within Iran and during the uprisings demonstrates the significant influence of women in Iran.
Women’s role in the Resistance movement has proved several significant realities:
Women are the force for change and they will defeat the religious dictatorship ruling Iran.
– Active and equal participation of women in political leadership is essential for democracy, and
– We can and we must overthrow the religious dictatorship ruling Iran.

Triumphant Boycott of the Regime’s Sham Elections

Dear friends,
This regime seeks to prevent its overthrow by exporting war and terrorism to other countries. It is fueling wars from the Red Sea to Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. Since October 7, the Iranian regime has been the main source of the conflict that has engulfed the Middle East.
The policy of appeasement suffered a defeat in these tragic incidents.
The solution lies with the Iranian people, their resistance movement, and uprising against the clerical regime.
The successful boycott of the regime’s sham election on March 1 was a serious blow to Khamenei, unprecedented in the past four decades. Even the regime officials acknowledged that it was the lowest rate of participation in its history. In this boycott, we can hear the footsteps of upcoming uprisings.
In April and June last year, the majority of members from both chambers of parliament in your country issued separate declarations, urging the international community to support the Iranian people in their quest for change and to take decisive action against the current regime in Iran.
Our proposed policy to the international community can be summarized in four articles:

– Designation of the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization.
– Activation of the snapback mechanism in UN Security Council Resolution 2231.
– Declaring the mullahs’ regime as a primary threat to global peace and security under Chapter VII of the UN Charter.
– Recognition of the Iranian people’s struggle and the fight of Iranian youths and Resistance Units against the IRGC to overthrow the regime.

I hope that both chambers of the Italian parliament and the government of Italy will formally support these demands at the level of the European Union.
Thank you all very much.


Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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