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28 Sep 2024

Conference with MPs and Distinguished Dignitaries in Germany

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Conference with MPs and Distinguished Dignitaries in Germany

Maryam Rajavi: The Clerical Regime Is the Source of Executions inside Iran and War and Terrorism outside Iran

Honorable Members of the Bundestag,
Distinguished Guests,
Two months ago, the 80th anniversary of the White Rose revolt was remembered in Berlin.
I would like to quote a sentence from one of their declarations:
“Every day you delay and do not resist these inventors of hell, your guilt grows.”
Today, the inventor of hell is the religious fascism ruling Iran. This regime is the source of executions inside Iran and war and terrorism outside Iran.

Two major deceptions

For years, the Iranian regime has fed the policy of appeasement with two major deceptions.
First – Making others believe that the religious dictatorship will become moderate, thus holding European and American policies hostage for years.
Second – Making others believe that there is no reliable alternative to the Iranian regime.
Today, European countries, including Germany, have started to see the reality that the regime will not become moderate.
However, by ignoring the role of the people and the deep-rooted organized resistance, they accept this regime as a reality.
Verbal condemnations of the regime, while ignoring or dismissing the resistance has no result.
Since the regime’s new President has taken office, more than 180 prisoners have been executed. Several political prisoners, including three supporters of the PMOI, have been sentenced to death in recent days.
In July, the UN Special Rapporteur announced in a 66-page report that mass executions in the 1980s including the 1988 massacre— the majority of whose victims were from the PMOI—are clear examples of genocide and crimes against humanity.
The report adds that crimes against humanity continue to this day.
The regime’s reaction to this report was demonization and threats against the UN Special Rapporteur.
The fact that the regime’s main opponents are victims of genocide is absolutely unacceptable to the ruling mullahs.

Actions against the People and Iranian Resistance

In recent years, the people of Iran have demanded the overthrow of the regime in several uprisings.
In 2019, more than 1,500 people were killed, and in 2022, more than 750 people lost their lives.
In the last two years, the regime has increased inhuman pressures on Iranian Kurdish groups in Iraqi Kurdistan.
It has also carried out massacres against our Baluch compatriots.
Following the 2022 uprising, the regime set up a show trial against the PMOI and 104 members of the resistance in their absence. This trial is continuing.
The court has officially announced that the accused are charged with an offense called Bagh-ye, which is punishable by execution. The court also announced anyone who participates in this group’s demonstrations abroad is subject to the same charge and must be handed over to the regime.
Alongside this trial, the regime resorted to terrorist attacks against the National Council of Resistance abroad.
This includes attacks on the offices of the NCRI in London, Paris, Berlin, and Stockholm, as well as an assassination attempt on Professor Alejo Vidal-Quadras, the former Vice President of the European Parliament and supporter of the Iranian Resistance. The clerical regime has launched a massive demonization campaign against the resistance, using their agents under different pretexts. Their goal is to prevent young people from supporting the resistance inside of Iran and to justify the policy of appeasement. The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Germany has revealed over the past 25 years that the focus of the Iranian regime’s intelligence services in Germany and Europe is on the PMOI and the NCRI.
Their aim is to collect information and demonize them.
Under such circumstances, appeasers sometimes condemn human rights violations in Iran.
However, they are careful to keep their distance from the democratic alternative of the National Council of Resistance in order not to upset the regime.
Regime officials have revealed that in their negotiations with various governments, their first demand is to apply pressure on the resistance. This approach has emboldened the regime so much that it has expanded its destructive dominance in the region, advanced its nuclear bomb project, and even spread fundamentalism and terrorism to Europe.
The regime’s activities in Germany under the cover of an Islamic center is one example.
The regime’s continued destructive behavior in the region is the other side of appeasement and the removal of the opposition from the equation in Iran. This is exactly the missing link in Western policy.

Dear friends,
The people of Iran are calling for freedom and democracy, a republic based on the separation of religion and state, gender equality, autonomy for nationalities, and an Iran without executions and torture.
Without doubt, they will succeed.
Let me conclude by emphasizing four extremely necessary actions.
These actions reflect both the wishes of the people of Iran and the requirements for peace and tranquility in Europe.

-Designating the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and the Ministry of Intelligence as terrorist organizations.
-Shutting down the regime’s official and unofficial centers, and expelling their mercenaries.
-Holding regime’s officials accountable for committing genocide.
-Triggering the snapback mechanism in the UN Security Council Resolution 2231 and activating previous council resolutions against the regime’s nuclear projects.
-Recognizing the struggle of the Iranian youth and Resistance Units against the IRGC to overthrow the clerical regime.

Thank you.

Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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