Paris Conference: Iran- Regime Change as a Solution to the Middle East Crisis

Maryam Rajavi: The Path to End the Mullahs’ Warmongering and Terrorism
Ladies and gentlemen, members of parliament,
Dear friends,
I am delighted to see you again. Your presence at this gathering, especially that of the honorable deputies and senators, sends a powerful message. It conveys that forward-thinking parliamentarians in France and Europe stand with the Iranian people, advocating for a rightful and necessary solution.
On five occasions over the past 15 years, the majority of French parliamentarians have expressed their support for the Iranian Resistance.
Alongside thousands of other parliamentarians worldwide, they have emphasized that disregarding the Resistance constitutes a significant political blunder. Yet, unlike the elected representatives of the European people, official policies have taken a different path.
Regrettably, granting impunity to this regime of execution and massacre has resulted in approximately 850 executions in Iran since the beginning of the year.
The Path to Ending the Mullahs’ Warmongering and Terrorism
The ruling religious fascism thrives on war because it seeks to thwart a popular uprising in Iran.
I stand before you today to affirm that it is possible to put an end to the mullahs’ terrorism and warmongering. The solution lies in the overthrow of this regime by the Iranian people and their Resistance.
This goal is within reach, and here are its most critical components:
1. A profoundly discontented and incensed populace, together with the Resistance Units leading the charge and the courageous women at their helm. These units are part of the Army of Freedom. Through their activities to prepare for an organized uprising, they embody the force for change and stand as the freedom fighters of Iran.
2. The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), with its thousands of experienced members, has fought for 60 years against both the Shah’s and the clerical dictatorships. Recognized by the regime as its principal enemy and a decisive factor in the blows it has suffered over the past 45 years, the PMOI has been the primary target of the regime’s repression, terrorism, and demonization.
Ashraf 3 in Albania serves as one of the organization’s key centers, hosting 1,000 pioneering women and nearly 1,000 former prisoners who endured torture under the Shah’s and the mullahs’ dictatorships.
3. The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), a democratic alternative, comprises 457 members from diverse backgrounds, more than 50% of whom are women.
The NCRI is the most enduring political coalition in Iran’s history, established 43 years ago in Tehran by Massoud Rajavi.
The NCRI has a well-defined platform and plans that uphold women’s rights and freedoms, autonomy for ethnic minorities, equality among religions—including between Shia and Sunni—separation of religion and state, the abolition of the death penalty, and a non-nuclear Iran that is a steadfast advocate for peace in the Middle East.
4. Over the past four decades, the Iranian Resistance has organized the largest gatherings of Iranians abroad, demonstrating the vast extent of its support within Iran. The families of 100,000 martyrs for freedom and hundreds of thousands of political prisoners are among the supporters of this Resistance.
This book contains the names of 20,000 of these martyrs.
The Iranian Resistance was the first to expose the regime’s secret nuclear programs and facilities in 2002, as well as its policy of regional interference.
Numerous Iranian experts across all fields, organized into 320 associations abroad, constitute a vital part of the expertise needed to rebuild tomorrow’s Iran.
The Iranian Resistance is financially independent. All its expenditures—from daily operations to communications, publications, gatherings, and a 24/7 television network broadcast via five satellites—are funded by its members and supporters, both inside Iran and abroad.
5. The recognition and international credibility of the NCRI are particularly evident in the support for its 10-point plan for a democratic Iran, including the declarations of support in June 2024 by majorities of parliamentarians from 34 legislative chambers across Europe, the United States, and Arab nations, as well as statements from 137 former world leaders and 80 Nobel laureates. It is also evident in the 2024 grand rally of Iranians in Berlin.
All the declarations underscore that there is no place for religious and monarchic dictatorships in Iran.
6. The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) does not seek to seize power but rather to restore it to its rightful owners: the people of Iran.
a) According to the NCRI’s platform, formally announced in 1981, after the regime’s overthrow, a) the transfer of power will involve the formation of a provisional government for a maximum of six months. The primary responsibility of this government will be to organize free elections for a Constituent Assembly.
b) Once the Constituent Assembly is formed, the provisional government will step down, marking the completion of the NCRI’s mission.
c) Sovereignty will then be transferred to the people’s representatives in the Constituent Assembly, who will form a new government for a two-year term, tasked with drafting,
approving, and conducting a referendum on the constitution of the new republic.
With a viable alternative present, there will be no room for chaos. Millions of Iranians living abroad will return to Iran, bringing their expertise and resources to contribute to the nation’s reconstruction.
The Claim of No Alternative is an Outright Lie
Dear friends,
The religious dictatorship and its allies claim that there is no alternative. This is an outright lie, and the Iranian people, along with parliamentarians around the world, have proven otherwise.
The regime and its allies argue that Iran’s territory will be partitioned. This is another falsehood. Our Baluchi and Kurdish compatriots demand their rights, not the secession of Iran.
Our Resistance fights for freedom and gender equality in Iran.
As I always reiterate: No to compulsory veiling, no to compulsory religion, and no to compulsory governance.
We must not forget our dear Danielle Mitterrand, whose 100th birth anniversary will soon be celebrated. She once said, “The People’s Mojahedin is a liberation movement fighting against a violent and cruel dictatorship.”
The Iranian people and their Resistance call on France, the cradle of human rights, and all European nations to:
Predicate their relations with the belligerent religious fascism on the halt to executions in Iran.
Reactivate the ‘snapback’ mechanism and reinstate the six UN Security Council resolutions in response to the regime’s total violation of the nuclear agreement.
Designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization within the European Union.
Support the rights and freedoms of the PMOI members in Ashraf 3 against the mullahs’ regime.
Recognize the Iranian people’s struggle to overthrow this regime.
Acknowledge the legitimate fight of the Resistance Units against the IRGC.
Thank you
- Tags: Maryam Rajavi, Middle East, mullahs' regime, Terrorism