Congratulations on the revival of the spring of Egypt

Maryam Rajavi, congratulated the people of Egypt, especially women and young people, as well as nationalist and patriotic military officers on the revival of the spring of Arab freedom and democracy in Egypt and described it as the triumph of that nation’s resolve in the face of fundamentalism and religious rule, similar to the dictatorship in Iran.
Rajavi said that all democratic movements in Arab countries must be congratulated over this momentous and fundamental development in Egypt. The mullahs ruling Iran and their proxies in Iraq are the first losers of Egypt’s rekindled spring in that part of the world, she said, adding, Khamenei tried desperately to derail the spring of freedom in Arab countries toward exporting backwardness through the demagogic slogan of “Islamic Awakening,” modeled after Khomeini.
Rajavi stressed that the revival of the spring of freedom in Egypt was another indication of the inevitability and necessity of regime change in Iran and the uprising for freedom against the ruling religious fascism in Iran.
Secretariat of the National Council of the Resistance of Iran
July 3, 2013