06 Aug 2024

Execution of Detained Protester, Reza Rasaei

Catégories // Highlights // News and Activities

Execution of Detained Protester, Reza Rasaei

Death Penalty and Repression Are Central to the Regime’s Survival

Khamenei has once again committed a heinous act by shedding the blood of the courageous detained protester, Reza Rasaei. This is yet another chapter in the extensive record of Khamenei’s tyranny and crimes.
The execution of this political prisoner in the early days of the clerical regime’s new president underscores that execution and repression are central to the regime’s survival. As long as Khamenei and the Velayat-e Faqih regime remain in power, these practices will persist.
With deepest sympathy to Reza’s family, friends, and fellow citizens, these atrocities will undoubtedly galvanize the heroic people, rebellious youth, and Resistance Units to intensify their efforts to uproot religious tyranny and establish democracy, popular sovereignty, and justice.

Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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