Germany: Mrs. Rajavi met with President of the Federal Parliament’s Committee on European Affairs

In her meeting with Mr. Gunther Krichbaum, President of the Federal Parliament’s (Bundestag) Committee on European Affairs, Mrs. Rajavi elaborated on the Iranian regime’s instability, lack of a future and its inability to reverse the situation.
She underscored that the situation in Iran has completely changed but the European Union member countries continue to pursue their previous policy.
Mr. Krichbaum took note of the standing and credibility of the Iranian Resistance on the international level, including the support it enjoys at the Federal Parliament. While affirming the views of Mr. Rajavi, he emphasized that we need change in Europe policy because we are facing a dictatorship that does not value democracy, nor does it have a fair judiciary and nor does it respect the human rights of the Iranian people. Moreover, by acquiring the capacity and technology, it has come very close to obtaining nuclear weapons.
Mr. Krichbaum underlined that he considers supporting the Iranian Resistance as being important because he believes change will come about by the Iranian people. Mr. Krichbaum added that he and his colleagues had endorsed a statement in defense of the residents of Ashraf and the Iranian people’s uprising.
Mr. Krichbaum, also voiced concern over the pressures and plots against Camp Ashraf and underscored the need to undertake necessary steps internationally to protect the residents of Ashraf by the United Nations.
- Tags: Maryam Rajavi, MEK, NCRI