In fear of popular uprising, mullahs’ election masquerade was wrapped up in speedy fashion in the first round with preposterous claim of 72 percent voter participation

and the regime’s belligerent policies in Syria and Iraq continues, and it insists on obtaining nuclear bomb nothing would change
Regarding the mullahs’ Presidential election masquerade, Maryam Rajavi, said: “In order to prevent popular uprising and the repetition of the events of four years ago, the regime expeditiously wrapped up this sham on the first round. And in line with its usual practice multiplied the number of votes four -five folds in the dark room called “the room for tabulating the vote” at the Interior Ministry, claiming that 72 percent of the eligible voters participated in the illegitimate elections.
Rajavi added: Surfacing mullah Rowhani, an individual who has been an accomplice in the regime’s crimes from its onset, as a “moderate” fools no one. His role in bombardment of the bases of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) in 1990s, including firing 1,000 rockets to them on April 18, 2001 is undeniable. Without freedom of expression and human rights, and so long as political prisoners and activities of political parties are not free, and the regime’s belligerent policies in Syria and Iraq continues, and it insists on obtaining nuclear bomb, nothing would change. The regime’s leaders are fully cognizant that any major change on these policies would lead to the overthrow of the regime in its entirety.
Rowhani who was the Secretary of the regime’s Supreme National Security Council for 16 years, was one of the founders of an entity called “Combative Clergy Society”, which is affiliated to Khamenei. He is currently Khamenei’s representative in the Supreme National Security Council. He is also a member of the regime’s Exigency Council, member of the mullahs’ Assembly of Experts, and the Director of the mullahs’ Strategic Research Center.
Rowhani recently underscored that during the last decade he has deceived the European troika to advance the regime’s nuclear weapons program.
On July 14, 1999, in the midst of the July 1999 uprising, he said insulting Khamenei “is an insult to Iran, Islam, Muslims, the constitution, and those who recognize Iran as the ultimate decision maker for the Islamic world. In which country, these riotous moves are tolerated? The protesters are much villainous to brand them as overthrow-seekers (the regime) … Yesterday evening the decisive order to severely suppress any movement by these element was issued.”
The mullahs’ presidential election that had began with the elimination of Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and continued with the ridiculous debate of the eight candidates and large scale election fraud, once proved the legitimacy and necessity of the Third Option which had been outlined by the Iranian resistance since long time ago. The only solution is the change of the regime by the Iranian people and their organized resistance and support for the only democratic alternative to the regime.
Rajavi said: Undoubtedly Ali Khamenei’s so-called ‘epic makings’ and hollow show of victory would not last long and the infighting among the factions in the downfall phase of the clerical regime will continue in other forms in full force.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 15, 2013
Below are some of Rowhani’s previous positions in the religious dictatorship ruling in Iran:
1. Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council for 16 years
2. National Security Advisor to the President for 13 years ( 1989-1997, and 2000-2005)
3. Deputy Commander-in-chief of regimes armed forces (1987-1988)
4. Member of Regime’s Supreme Defense Council (1982-1988)
5. Member of Central Council of War Logistics Headquarters(1982-1988)
6. Commander-in-Chief of the Regime’s Air Defense Forces. (1985-1991)
7. Head of Executive Committee for War Logistics Headquarters (1986-1988)
8. Head of Khatam al-Anbia IRGC Headquarter(1985-1987)
9. Member of the regime’s parliament for five terms.
10. Head of regime’s Parliamentary defense commission (during the first and the Second terms of parliament)
11. Deputy Chairman of regime’s Parliament and chief of the Foreign Affairs commission of the Parliament(Fourth and Fifth Parliament)