In the Media

U.S. Congressional Record registers remarks by Mayor Rudy Giuliani about the Iranian regime and its alternative

The text of remarks by former New York City Mayor and attorney to the U.S. President Rudy Giuliani made at the Free Iran gathering at Ashraf 3 on July 13,...


Maryam Rajavi on Fox NEWS: Mullahs regime faces an explosive society, an organized resistance movement

This regime faces an explosive society, an organized resistance movement and an America which is not rushing to help it as before.


International Delegation visit Ashraf 3, the Iranian opposition home in Albania

Maryam Rajavi, Durres – A delegation of dignitaries, including from France visited Ashraf 3, the Iranian opposition home in Albania on June 29, 2019 in Durres, Albania.


Maryam Rajavi on Fox NEWS: When the mullahs pay no price for their conducts, they become more emboldened and go even further

Maryam Rajavi says when the mullahs pay no price for their conducts, they become more emboldened and go even further. Firing of rockets in Mosul and...


News coverage of Iranian demonstrations in Washington, D.C

Iranians rally in Washington, D.C. in solidarity with the Iranian people’s Resistance and uprisings for regime change


Delisting from the FTO as a rightful demand of the Iranian people

We support the call by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, for:


U.S. Congressional Record – Maryam Rajavi’s statement

Maryam Rajavi’s statement welcoming the designation of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) was published in the Congressional Record on April 15, 2019, following...


Maryam Rajavi on Fox NEWS: We urge western governments to shut down the Iranian regime’s embassies which are control centers for espionage and terrorism

We call on the Unites States to expel the Iranian regime’s operatives from the United States and urge western governments to shut down the regime’s embassies which are control centers...


Washington protesters demand ‘regime change’ in Iran

Some of the protestors held portraits of Maryam RajaviTrump administration accused Iran of destabilizing the Middle East region


Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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