International confirmation of 34 killed, 350 wounded in attack on Camp Ashraf

“Thirty-four Iranian exiles were killed when Iraqi soldiers stormed Camp Ashraf last week.” They said that a team of observers from United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) saw 28 bodies during the visit to the camp on Wednesday. U.N. human rights spokesman in Geneva said Most of the bodies appeared to have been shot.”Thirty-four Iranian exiles were killed when Iraqi soldiers stormed Camp Ashraf last week.” They said that a team of observers from United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) saw 28 bodies during the visit to the camp on Wednesday. U.N. human rights spokesman in Geneva said Most of the bodies appeared to have been shot.The Associated Press quoted a “Western diplomat” as saying: “25 of the bodies had gunshot wounds and at least three appeared to have been crushed to death, likely by vehicles.”Iraqi forces hold the bodies of six Ashraf residents including four in Baquba public hospital and two other in a hospital in Baghdad, but they refuse to hand them over to their relatives in Camp Ashraf.
An American delegation and a UNAMI team visited Camp Ashraf on Wednesday and Thursday. They observed the bodies of those killed during the attack. They examined and interviewed a number of wounded residents. Therefore, the casualties of the dreadful attack on Camp Ashraf by the Iraqi forces under the command of Nouri al-Maliki which includes 34 killed and 350 wounded are confirmed by international delegations.The delegations visited a number of 350 wounded in Camp Ashraf and many others in Baqouba public hospital. The suppressive Iraqi forces expelled more than 30 patients from Baqouba public hospital on April 10 and a number of others on April 12, even though they were in critical condition. In separate attacks by Iraqi forces on April 10 and 12, thirteen residents were wounded on each occasion.The Associated Press reported on Wednesday from Baghdad that two hospital workers said: “At least 17 patients, some of whom were described by a doctor as in critical condition at Baqouba public hospital? were taken back to Camp Ashraf in Iraq`s eastern Diyala province late Tuesday by security forces.” The American delegation visited the patients in Camp Ashraf and found seven of them in critical state who were taken to Balad Hospital of the US forces. Maryam Rajavi said: As such, the international community has confirmed the scope of the crimes perpetrated by the Iraqi forces on April 8 against defenseless and civilian Ashraf residents, who are protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention.This atrocity, Maryam Rajavi added, is a clear case of crime against humanity, war crime and crime against international community and could be repeated at any moment. Thus, the US, under its international obligations and according to agreement signed with every Ashraf resident, should immediately take the responsibility of protection of Ashraf residents and should not allow this crime to be repeated. The UN should establish its permanent monitoring team in Ashraf. The Iraqi forces should leave the camp and the masterminds and perpetrators of this crime should be brought to justice before international court, Maryam Rajavi reitrated.