Iran: Twenty one executions in two days

The killing machine of the murderous dictatorship in Iran is continually victimizing the Iranian people. On Thursday November 8, the clerical regime hanged five prisoners in the city of Shiraz. Yesterday, sixteen prisoners were hanged in Tehran, Shiraz, Zarand and Mashhad. All executions are committed with the agreement of Khamenei. Therefore, the number of executions since 18 days ago is 45 and since beginning of 2012 amounts to at least 383 executions. Execution of political prisoners titled drug dealers is an ordinary and well known method used by the clerical regime.The killing machine of the murderous dictatorship in Iran is continually victimizing the Iranian people. On Thursday November 8, the clerical regime hanged five prisoners in the city of Shiraz. Yesterday, sixteen prisoners were hanged in Tehran, Shiraz, Zarand and Mashhad. All executions are committed with the agreement of Khamenei. Therefore, the number of executions since 18 days ago is 45 and since beginning of 2012 amounts to at least 383 executions. Execution of political prisoners titled drug dealers is an ordinary and well known method used by the clerical regime.At the same time, torture and murder of political prisoners continues. On November 6 Sattar Beheshti, a political prisoner aged 35, was killed under torture eight days after his arrest.
Maryam Rajavi, called on the international community, specially the United Nations Security Council to take urgent measures to stop the growing trend of mass executions, mistreatment and torture of political prisoners until death. She demanded formation of an international tribunal to prosecute clerical regime leaders and all individuals responsible for execution and torture in this medieval regime; individuals who participated in execution and massacre of 120,000 political prisoners and terror of dissidents inside and outside the country since beginning of clerical regime’s rule.She added: Silence and inaction in face of criminal record of Iranian regime which is a clear case of crime against humanity amounts to trampling universal values upon which the United Nations is founded.While Maryam Rajavi emphasized that the goal of the clerical regime by these criminal executions is to create an atmosphere of fear and terror and prevent eruption of popular outrage, she called of the Iranian people specially the youth to protest against these brutal executions and help families of the victims in order to rise up to their humanitarian and national responsibility.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 8, 2012