Maryam Rajavi: Anything less than complete execution of 6 UNSC resolutions is Iran’s deceitful plan

Following the failure of the three-day talks between P5+1 foreign ministers and representatives with the mullahs’ regime, Maryam Rajavi, said anything less than the complete implementation of six United Nations Security Council resolutions is a deceit by the religious fascism ruling Iran, playing with regional and global peace and security, and strengthening export of terrorism and fundamentalism.
She added as the Iranian Resistance announced previously, any agreement by the international community with the Iranian regime, without the complete discontinuing of uranium enrichment, stopping the production and installation of centrifuges, complete closure of the Arak heavy water site, accepting the Additional Protocol and open access for the International Atomic Energy Agency to all of the regime’s sites and experts – which have been kept out of the agency’s reach for years – will actually provide further opportunity for this regime to obtain nuclear weapons.
Obtaining nuclear weapons is part of the regime’s strategy to continue its survival and it will continue this project as long as possible. The regime’s senior officials have emphasized time and again that any withdrawal in this regard will lead to their overthrow. Therefore, under Khamenei’s orders Rouhani and his foreign minister are seeking to deceive the world and while violating the UNSC resolutions, continue their uranium enrichment, not give in to the Additional Protocol and refuse to hand over the enriched uranium and yet convince the international community to cancel all or part of the sanctions.
Eleven years ago after the revelation of the Natanz and Arak sites by the Iranian Resistance, the mullahs’ regime has not even announced one single site or nuclear project voluntarily to the IAEA. Only after the revelations by the Iranian Resistance or the IAEA discovering the sites itself, and after stonewalling measures and immense delays has the regime given in to admitting the existence of these sites. In recent months the Iranian Resistance unveiled a new and secret site in the Damavand region (north of Tehran) named “Ma’dan Shargh” and also revealed the fact that the mullahs’ are relocating the New Defense Research Organization (‘Sepand’) to a new secret location in Tehran. This organization is the regime’s center of bomb production research and design center.
In 2003 and 2004 when the UK, France and Germany reached an agreement with Rouhani on the suspension of the regime’s nuclear program, the regime used this time window to complete its atomic projects. Rouhani said in a state-run TV interview on 28 May 2013 on the enrichment suspension, “We completed it… we conducted the Tehran negotiations in October 2003. Do you know that the UCF site was opened in 2004?! Do you know when yellow cake came out?! In the winter of 2004. Did we stop? We completed it.”
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 10, 2013