Maryam Rajavi appeals to public to help survivors of the earthquake in northwestern Iran

Maryam Rajavi, offered her condolences to the families of the victims of earthquake in Azerbaijan province, northwestern Iran, on Saturday August 11th, and urged Iranian people to help independently tens of thousands of injured and homeless people.Maryam Rajavi, offered her condolences to the families of the victims of earthquake in Azerbaijan province, northwestern Iran, on Saturday August 11th, and urged Iranian people to help independently tens of thousands of injured and homeless people.She said the number of casualties of the quake could have been far lower and the wide scale human and collateral losses is due to criminal and inhuman policies of the clerical regime in Iran that has plundered and spent the vast and rich resources of the country on repression, export of terrorism, military and nuclear projects instead of providing people’s basic needs.
Under the clerical rule not even the least done to save people against natural disasters and the country’s economy and infrastructure has been destroyed.The earthquake happened while according to Tehran University geophysics centre five tremors were recorded in this region over the past week. However, the mullahs’ regime did nothing to save the residents of this region and now, ignoring the suffering of the people in this region, fails to provide minimum aid, and hides the true dimensions of this disaster to prevent public rage.The earthquake hit Western and Eastern Azerbaijan, Ardebil and Zanjan provinces. More than 60 villages between Tabriz and Ahar and between Ahar and Razqan have suffered heavy casualties. Many villages have been destroyed completely and ccommunications in many cities and villages have been cut.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 12, 2012