Maryam Rajavi at the conference of Iran, Regime Change, Provision of Security for Camp Liberty Residents

In his 10-month dossier, Rouhani has shown that he is part and parcel of the mullahs’ regime with no mission other than to preserve the regime
Call for urgent action by international community to release seven Ashraf hostages, provide security of Camp Liberty, and transfer refugees to U.S. and Europe
On Saturday, April 12, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, called on the international community, especially the Western governments, to make contingent their relations with the mullahs’ regime to the human rights situation in Iran, especially the abolishment of executions, cessation of torture and suppression, and respect for freedom of expression by this regime.
Maryam Rajavi was the keynote speaker to the conference, held in Paris in presence of delegations from Iranian youth associations from across the world. She asserted, “End the policy of appeasement and making concessions to the regime. On the pretext of nuclear talks, do not turn a blind eye on the crimes committed by this regime against the Iranian people and the regime’s role in the genocide in Syria, and its deadly occupation of Iraq.”
Speaking on regime’s reaction to European Parliament’s recent resolution on the violation of human rights in Iran Rajavi said: “Their deep fear of human rights is not without cause since the slightest gap in this respect will open the way to torrents of uprisings and the unraveling of the chain of oppression.”
Representatives from close to 50 Iranian youth associations from various countries attended this gathering.
Mrs. Rajavi called the extensive presence of the representatives of Iranian youth associations in this rally as a clear message to the Iranians and the international community and said: “The message is that the Iranian youth are resolute in bringing down the religious dictatorship and establishing freedom and democracy.” Addressing the youth she added, “You, the youth who have risen today in resistance and uprising, are Iran’s future.”
In their speeches and through issuing a resolution, the representatives of the Iranian democratic youth associations reminded: “As Maryam Rajavi accentuated in the European Parliament last week, human rights is the Achilles heel of this regime.” They stipulated that ten months after the mullahs’ regime presidential elections masquerade, Rouhani has shown that he is part and parcel of the religious fascism rule with no mission but to preserve the regime. During this period, the number of executions has exceeded 700, and the execution of people who were minors at the time of arrest has spiked. The institutionalized discrimination against women and ethnic and religious minorities has deepened and broadened. Censorship and restrictions on cyberspace have augmented and more than ever, the youth are deprived from free exchange of information and exercising freedom of expression on the internet.
According to the resolution, “Although the Iranian regime has been compelled to retreat one single step due to the sanctions and the crises it is engulfed in, it however is poised to realize its ominous project. The sole remedy is to force this regime to accept the Additional Protocol and to implement the Security Council resolutions.”
They emphasized, “We consider a change of the regime as the sole path for Iran to thwart its present crisis and we therefore declare our support for the 10-point platform of Mrs. Rajavi.”
Pointing to the destructive effects of the regime’s warmongering and export of terrorism in the Middle-East, the resolution declares, “This regime must be banished from the international community and the seat of Iran at the United Nations should be given to the Iranian Resistance which is the democratic alternative to this anti-human regime. It is the duty of the international community to stand with the Iranian people and their legitimate demand to topple this regime rather than to be silent and on the sidelines in face of this medieval regime.”
The meeting moderated by MC Jean-Pierre Spitzer. In addition to the representatives of the Iranian youth associations and French and Norwegian youth associations, a number of political dignitaries delivered speeches to the meeting, including Rudi Giuliani, Mayor of New York City (1994-2001); Howard Dean, former Chair of the Democratic National Committee; Michael Mukasey, U.S. Attorney General (2007-2009); Louis Freeh, Director of FBI (1993-2001); Alan Dershowitz, most prominent American lawyer in criminal cases; Robert Torricelli, U.S. Senator (1997-2003), from the United states and lawmakers Erick Skutle and Charlotte Spurkeland from Norway.
The meeting was held on the 3rd anniversary of the April 8 massacre of Camp Ashraf residents where 36 PMOI members lost their lives.
In her speech, Rajavi pointed to the multiple massacres in Ashraf and the repeated attacks on Camp Liberty and stated: “We want the UN Secretary-General to explicitly and decisively terminate the cases of collusion and ignorance of crimes against humanity and to ordain an impartial investigation into the mass executions and hostage-taking in Ashraf based on a specific timetable.”
She also criticized the United Nations and the United States for their “terrible inaction” toward the repeated missile attacks against Camp Liberty residents and asked them to compel the Iraqi government to uphold its commitments to provide safety and security to the residents, including the installation of T-walls and the annulment of the anti-human medical siege. “We demand the release of the Ashraf hostages and the transfer of all PMOI members in Camp Liberty, especially the sick and the wounded, to Europe and the United States”, Rajavi added.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 12, 2014