Maryam Rajavi calls for the creation of popular councils to deal with the flood and its catastrophic consequences

While the number of flood victims in various cities in the country reaches over 200, most of which from Shiraz, the clerical regime hides the real statistics out of fear from the people’s anger.
The delay and procrastination of the regime in helping and rescuing those who are besieged by the flood has increased the number of victims. Hence, the regime wants to portray the damages much less than they actually are by a variety of tricks. For this reason, in many cities, especially Shiraz, repressive forces are preventing people from approaching hospitals.
The contradictions and denials of the regime’s agents to cover the real number of the dead have made a mockery for the people.
On March 19, Northern Khorasan Chief of Police announced two deaths. On March 22, the official news agency of the regime reported the deaths of two children in Golestan province. The same day, the chief coroner of Mazandaran announced 5 deaths and a missing person in the province. However, the regime’s leaders in the following days denied these figures.
On the other hand, a significant number of people have disappeared in different cities and no information is available on their fate. Eyewitnesses say the bodies of the victims are left in the mud but no effective action is being taken by the regime to find them. People are searching for the victims and the missing with their initial facilities.
Maryam Rajavi, renewed condolences to the affected people and called on the public to cooperate nationally to save the besieged people in flood, to find the missing and help the injured. She called on all people, especially the youth, to confront flood and its catastrophic consequences by creating popular councils in each city, neighborhood and village as the only way to overcome the effects of a devastating flood.
Maryam Rajavi once again emphasized that the capabilities of the Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Basij, the army and government apparatus stolen from our people should be made available to the people in order to repair the destructions themselves and to prevent the spread of destruction.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 27, 2019