Maryam Rajavi calls on U.S., EU and UN to protect Ashraf, prevent a more widespread massacre

Two ds following the announcement of US forces’ withdrawal from Iraq, the Iranian regime’s Foreign Ministry announced, “In order to determine on the PMOI members, with the agreement of the Iraqi government and Red Cross arrangements were made for a trilateral committee to be established in Iraq … This trilateral committee has been established, but unfortunately the Red Cross did not attend it despite its previous commitment… The Iraqi government has prepared a 10-point draft for the expulsion of the PMOI from Ashraf and the closure of this camp. With observations from the Iranian party, this 10-point agreement evolved finally to a 7-point draft and this issue is now on the agenda for final signatures…”Two ds following the announcement of US forces’ withdrawal from Iraq, the Iranian regime’s Foreign Ministry announced, “In order to determine on the PMOI members, with the agreement of the Iraqi government and Red Cross arrangements were made for a trilateral committee to be established in Iraq … This trilateral committee has been established, but unfortunately the Red Cross did not attend it despite its previous commitment… The Iraqi government has prepared a 10-point draft for the expulsion of the PMOI from Ashraf and the closure of this camp. With observations from the Iranian party, this 10-point agreement evolved finally to a 7-point draft and this issue is now on the agenda for final signatures…”The so-called Fars news agency (affiliated to the IRGC) that wired this report on October 23rd, citing the mullahs’ “Arabic and African Deputy Foreign Minister and the deputy Special Headquarters for Iraq in Foreign Ministry” added, “There are observations between the governments of Iran and Iraq on how to officially announce this issue through the media, and this matter remains under consideration for implementation.”
Maryam Rajavi said in this regard, “Now, the religious fascism has pulled back all the curtains and with its utmost obscenity speaks of an agreement in which the Iraqi government and sovereignty is clearly turned into an instrument of repression against the opponents of the velayat-e faqih regime. It is crystal clear that the end of 2011 deadline to closedown Ashraf and the Iraqi government’s resolution following the April 8th massacre – which Maliki continuously refers to – was completely dictated by the Iranian regime.” Maryam Rajavi emphasized, “Any kind of negotiations and talks with the Iranian regime and its meddling regarding the status of Ashraf residents, who have recently been recognized by the UN as political asylum seekers protected under International Law, and the Iranian regime considers them as ‘Mohareb (enemy of God) whose blood must be shed with impunity’ and executes their family members for traveling to Ashraf, is a flagrant violation of the International Law, the International Human Rights Law, the Geneva Conventions, the Refugee Convention 1951, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Based on the Spanish National Court writ and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, these measures are considered crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes against the International Community.”
Maryam Rajavi warned: “The announced agreement by the Iranian regime’s Foreign Ministry with the Iraqi government leaves no doubt about their ominous intents to annihilate Ashraf residents. Therefore, the Iranian Resistance calls on the U.S. President and Secretary of State, the UN Secretary General, UN High Commissioner for Refugees and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, EU High Representative Baroness Ashton and Ambassador Jean Du Ruyt for urgent action to have UN forces assume Ashraf residents’ protection to prevent a more widespread massacre in comparison to April 8th, a killing spree that is already predictable.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 24, 2011