Maryam Rajavi condoles the passing of Dr. Shahram Mottaghi

I learned with much regret of the passing of a long-time supporter and selfless friend of the Iranian Resistance and the PMOI, Dr. Shahram Mottaghi.
May he rest in peace after four decades of relentless engagement in all campaigns of the Iranian Resistance in the UK and Ireland. He was always there, in all ups and downs, to defend his people’s freedom from the mullahs’ evil regime.
Regardless of his own conditions, he always endeavored to be the voice of the oppressed people of Iran and convey their message to the world. He never refrained from supporting Ashraf and its residents when he taught at the University of Belfast and after when he could no longer continue to teach. His invaluable efforts will never be forgotten.
My deepest sympathies on the loss of this precious friend of the Iranian Resistance go out to Dr. Mottaghi’s family and particularly his honorable mother, to all supporters and the large family of the Iranian Resistance, and especially to our friends and supporters in Britain.
I am confident that his comrades and friends will fill his place in the solid ranks of the Iranian Resistance in the struggle against the mullahs’ evil dictatorship. And on the day of Iran’s freedom, our dear Shahram and all those fallen for freedom, will be present in our ranks.