Maryam Rajavi condoles the passing of Mogens Camre

Maryam Rajavi sent her condolences to Mr. Camre’s family and the people of Denmark on his sad demise.
Mr. Camre was a great defender of the rights of the Iranian Resistance’s freedom fighters in Ashraf. He visited Ashraf in 2008 along with a high ranking delegation from the European Parliament. He was a co-sponsor of the EP resolution in 2009 in defense of the residents of Ashraf. Mr. Camre also endeavored for years in the campaign against the unjust terrorist designation of the PMOI.
Despite the schemes of Iran’s ruling religious dictatorship and the obstacles created by governments seeking to appease the Iranian regime, Mr. Camre courageously stood by the Iranian people and Resistance.
Iran’s history of quest for freedom will always remember Mr. Camre as a great friend.
- Tags: terrorist