Condolences on the passing of the great combatant Dr. Saeb Erekat, Secretary General of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)

I was incredibly saddened to receive the news about the passing of the great combatant Dr. Saeb Erekat.
On behalf of the Iranian people and the Iranian Resistance, I would like to extend our heartfelt condolences for this enormous loss to President Mahmoud Abbas, the brother nation of Palestine, the Palestinian government and the Erekat family.
Saeb has now joined Abu Ammar. The PLO has lost one of its patriotic and most effective leaders, but undoubtedly the spirit, inspiration and ideals of Saeb Erekat will always live in the collective memory of the Palestinian people.
I pray for God Almighty to bless his soul and I pray for patience and perseverance for you and his family, friends and colleagues.
The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran and the Iranian Resistance offer their condolences to the PLO, al-Fatah and all of the longtime combatants making sacrifices, and we pay our tributes to President Arafat and Dr. Erekat.