Maryam Rajavi: Inaction in the face of great tragedy of the century in Aleppo blemishes the international community

Maryam Rajavi described the barbaric bombardment of Aleppo and the brutal massacre of the Syrian people, particularly women and children by Bashar Assad and the antihuman Iranian regime, along with their allies and mercenaries, an unparalleled war crime and a great tragedy of the century that has hurt the conscience of contemporary mankind.
She said that the perseverance of the Syrian people and opposition, especially in the heroic Aleppo, is a model worthy of praise that will never be forgotten and that the inaction in the face of this tragedy blemishes the record of the international community.
“The growth and expansion of Daesh in the region, the wave of terrorism in Europe, and the wave of refugees are all direct consequences of the crimes of the past five years by the Syrian dictator and the Iranian regime and its mercenaries in the region going unpunished,” she noted.
Rajavi added: “Meanwhile, the unparalleled savagery unfolding these days, especially in Aleppo, reveals the frustration of the Iranian regime and its allies in facing up to the Syrian revolution and the Free Syrian Army and its dismal failure to save Assad’s rule. As the past five years have shown, the military mobilization of the Iranian regime and its allies against the will of the Syrian people and the opposition will surely end in a humiliating defeat.
After the military mobilization of the Iranian regime met defeat in Syria and the veteran revolutionary guards, the Hezbollah, and regime’s many mercenaries were unable to save Assad; and the great number of revolutionary guards’ casualties shook their moral, Khamenei was forced — for the first time since the Iran-Iraq war — to dispatch army units under his command to the Syrian quagmire in an aggressive war. To prop up the wrecked moral of regime’s revolutionary guards and mercenaries, on May 2, the puppet parliament of this regime ratified a bill that grants Iranian citizenship to the families of foreigners killed in Syria.
To conceal the scale of casualties and the extent of the participation of the army under the command of the supreme leader in Syria, the mullahs’ regime prevents holding of official and public burial ceremonies for army casualties as regime’s leaders are deeply concerned about a rapid loss of army’s moral and the wave of dissatisfaction and disobedience in its ranks.
- Tags: fundamentalism, Middle East, Syria, terrorist