Maryam Rajavi: UN must immediately dispatch fact-finding missions to Iran to investigate about those killed or arrested during the Iran Uprising

Fellow compatriots,
The anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights marks the adoption of a milestone document proclaiming “the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want.” On this day, I wish to echo the cries of more than 1,000 martyrs of the Iran Uprising that the world cannot just watch and do nothing about the atrocious crimes of Iran’s ruling mullahs.
The uprising of the people of Iran which started simultaneously in 190 cities and towns across Iran on November 15, is a revolt for freedom and democracy. It is an uprising to end religious tyranny, and the poverty, destitution and devastation it has imposed on the Iranian people’s social and economic life. This is a rebellion against raising the prices of goods which has driven large sectors of the population into poverty. This is an uprising to end the mullahs’ wars, crimes and terrorism in the Middle East and the world. This is an uprising to achieve progress, wellbeing and justice.
In circumstances in which the mullahs have extensively violated the Iranian people’s right to life, when they have executed 120,000 of their political opponents;
In circumstances where the mullahs’ theocracy has denied the people of Iran the right to participate in political decision-making about their own, their society and their country’s fate, and when free elections is a myth;
In circumstances, where the Velayat-e Faqih regime has deprived the people of Iran of their right to enjoy the rule of law, replacing it with an absolute totalitarian rule;
When the religious fascism has taken away the right of the people of Iran to “freedom of thought, conscience and religion;”
In circumstances in which the regime has eliminated the Iranian people’s right to have free access to information and ideas, and their free dissemination;
When the publications and websites not affiliated with the regime are not allowed to operate, and no book is published without censorship;
When all telephone conversations and electronic communications are closely monitored, and social networks are fully controlled;
While Iran’s ethnic groups have been ignored in enjoying equal rights, welfare, medical care, education, services and use of their mother tongue;
In circumstances when the people of Iran are deprived of the right to form independent blue and while-collar workers’ syndicates and unions and independent student associations;
And when women are greatly suppressed and deprived of their equal rights in all political, economic, family, educational and judicial arenas;
Yes, in such circumstances, our people have resorted to the same option mentioned in the preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, namely, they have taken recourse “as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression,”
The popular uprising in November proved that the people of Iran are prepared and yearning to do away with the mullahs’ religious fascist rule.
The uprising also confirmed the impact of the Mojahedin and the movement’s organized resistance units, in inspiring and leading the uprisings.
And finally, the uprising made it clear that the mullahs are on the verge of downfall and have no way out of this crisis.
As the Leader of the Iranian Resistance Massoud Rajavi had reiterated, “This uprising will continue, expand and get deeper. It is tied to the organized resistance and the regime has no way out of this showdown.”
Particularly, that youths have today risen up against the regime, not only in the cities across Iran but across the Middle East from Beirut to Baghdad.
The clerical regime is badly terrified. They have responded to the Iranian people’s protests with the massacre of more than 1,000 protesters dozens of whom were teenagers under 18 years of age and even young girls as young as 13 and 14. They have arrested at least 12,000 persons.
The extent of the crimes committed and the methods used by the mullahs are hideous. Shooting the protesters in the head and chest at point blank range before the public eye, deploying snipers to target people who gathered in the streets, transforming schools and mosques to detention centers, vicious torture of prisoners, mass slaughter of unarmed people in the southern port of Mahshahr by spraying bullets on those who fled to marshlands, and establishing absolute repression by a complete shutdown of the internet to prevent the cries of torture victims from reaching the outside world.
The actual number of martyrs of the uprising is far greater than 1,000 persons. So far, the names of more than 400 of them have been announced by the Iranian Resistance. The regime is refusing to hand over the victims’ bodies to their families or bans them from holding funeral ceremonies for the martyrs.
The horrendous mass killing of November 2019 is one of the most horrific crimes of the 21st century.
Nevertheless, the European governments’ response to all these arrests and carnage has been inadequate. The regime construes this silence and inaction as a green light to continue and step up its crimes.
World governments and international bodies must set aside all considerations and reservations about the regime. The EU should demand an immediate halt to the killings and arrests. If the regime does not comply, they must readily pull the trigger of UN Security Council sanctions.
The clerical regime is making every effort and using all means to conceal the truth about the death toll. The United Nations must immediately dispatch fact-finding missions to Iran to investigate about those killed, injured and imprisoned.
As the detained protesters face torture and execution, the formation of a fact-finding mission is urgent and indispensable.
The UN Security Council must declare the leaders of the clerical regime as criminals committing crimes against humanity for their massive suppression and bloodshed. They must face justice.
I urge the world to recognize the Iranian people’s Resistance and uprising for the overthrow of the regime.
A free and democratic Iran is not only the urgent desire of the people of Iran but is essential for peace and security in the Middle East and the world.
I thank you all.
- Tags: Iran, Iran protests