Maryam Rajavi: Kobler’s actions betray human rights and R-to-P principle and stain UN’s record Secretary-General as international guardian of Responsibility-to-Protect must end the blood trade and suffering of imprisoned refugees at Camp Liberty

This was in response to the petition filed by the lawyer of the residents against his criminal actions. He repeated his ludicrous fabrications, which had previously been exposed in numerous personal and joint letters by more than 3,000 residents, and pinned blame on the victims and the camp leadership, accusing them of violating the rights of the residents and even preventing them from accessing medical services.
Mr. Kobler’s disgusting and intense appreciation of the al-Maliki regime and exoneration of its role in the rocket attacks on Liberty, the video footage of which has been exposed by the Iranian Resistance, is a blatant green light for another bloodbath; not least since he remained silent on the list of Camp Liberty’s urgent security necessities which the Iraqi government has prevented for the past 5 months from being provided at the residents’ own expense.
Kobler remained silent on the Iraqi government’s denial of the Ashraf residents’ right to ownership and the report of the trip to Iraq of Senator Robert Torricelli, the residents’ legal representative on the issue of property, and instead falsely stated that the residents had not introduced their legal representative for the sale of their property.
Kobler further remained silent on his unlawful Temporary Transit Location (TTL) project and offered no solution for the pressing security situation. Instead, he pointed out that in 2011-13 a total of 135 persons had been relocated and claimed: “We are however still looking for relocating 90 percent of the residents.”
Maryam Rajavi, described Kobler’s actions at the end of his two year tenure in Iraq, as a betrayal of human rights and the principle of Responsibility-to-Protect (R-to-P) and a stain on the record of the United Nations.
Rajavi strongly condemned Kobler’s deceitful efforts to present false reports to the Security Council and the UN Secretary-General. She urged Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, as the international guardian of the R-to-P principle, to send an international fact-finding mission to Camp Liberty and open the camp to journalists, lawyers and Parliamentarians in order to end the blood trade and the suffering of the refugees at a camp described by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions as a prison.
Rajavi warned that after Kobler paved the way for a fifth massacre of the defenseless residents, the only solution to the pressing security situation for the Liberty residents is their immediate return to Camp Ashraf.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 17, 2013