Maryam Rajavi’s Message to the demonstration in London- November 19, 2016

I salute you who have come together to support the Iranian people’s desire for regime change and condemn the mullahs’ repression and terrorism in Iran and the Middle East.
Your gathering is taking place at a time when a wave of protests by our countrymen has escalated in Tehran and other cities across the country. Just a few weeks ago, thousands of Iranians staged a protest demonstration to pay tribute to the Great Cyrus, and they did so despite the regime’s massive repressive measures and attempts to prevent the rally.
Workers, teachers and many other social strata hold protest rallies and gatherings, one after the other, in front of the mullahs’ parliament. University students stage protests at their universities. Political prisoners have staged hunger strikes in Tehran’s Evin Prison, the Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, and prisons in other cities. Those who have lost their properties due to the plunder of the regime’s financial institutions stage demonstrations outside government agencies. And the society in general is in an explosive state due to extreme poverty and unemployment.
Simultaneously, the Justice Seeking Movement demanding justice for the 30,000 political prisoners massacred in 1988 in Iran, has posed a serious challenge to the ruling regime as the principal masterminds and perpetrators of this horrific crime are the main leaders of the regime.
Contrary to their promises, the ruling mullahs have done nothing for the people of Iran except starving them and cutting down their purchasing power.
To contain the protests, they have stepped up the executions. In the first two weeks of this month, they have hanged at least 37 people. According to the regime’s officials, 4500 other prisoners are waiting on the death row. In the meantime, the mullahs have expanded their aggression and terrorism in the region. Hand in hand with Bashar Assad, Khamenei is responsible for the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people in Syria to preserve his shaky rule in Iran.
In fact, these examples are manifestations of our people’s confrontation with the ruling regime.
But where do Western governments and, specifically, the UK government stand in this confrontation? Do they stand with the arisen people of Iran and alongside the tortured prisoners, and the oppressed followers of other religions and ethnic minorities? Or they want to continue their failed policy of appeasing the mullahs? After the nuclear agreement, while the mullahs’ human rights abuses in Iran and their genocide in the region have intensified, Western governments and companies must not expand their trade relations with the Iranian regime.
Doing business with the clerical regime in Iran, gives an open hand to the mullahs in suppression of the people of Iran, and in export of war and carnage to Iraq, Syria and Yemen. The product would be blocking the path to change in Iran, further instability in the Middle East, and insecurity in the entire world and particularly in Europe with terrorist attacks and the influx of refugees.
The right policy and a provident policy would be for the international community and especially the governments of the West to distance themselves from the Iranian regime which is the main source of instability and belligerence. They should also recognize the Iranian people’s Resistance for freedom and democracy.
We call on the people of Britain and their elected representatives to support the movement seeking justice for the massacred victims, international condemnation of the regime, and prosecution of its leaders.
I urge the Houses of the Parliament and all advocates of democracy in Britain to encourage their government to recognize the Iranian people’s will for change.
I thank you all very much.
- Tags: freedom, Human Rights, Iran, Middle East, Syria, terrorist