Maryam Rajavi’s message to the Iranians’ demonstration in support of the Call for Justice Campaign

Dear compatriots, supporters and friends of the Iranian Resistance, who have gathered together in London, The Hague, in support of the call for justice for 30,000 political prisoners massacred in 1988, I salute you all.
By these gatherings you are conveying to the world the voice of champions who gave their lives for freedom.
You are echoing the voice of people who do not want to live under the reign of torture and killings. You are the voice of resistant political prisoners who are presently on hunger strike and their lives are on the line. You are the voice of a movement which is struggling to bring down the religious dictatorship in Iran. I salute you all!
Nearly three decades pass since the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners. But this crime is not something that could be consigned to oblivion. It is the day’s issue. It is about the tragic human rights violations in Iran. It is about the youths whose eyes were blinded this year by the mullahs, those whose hands were amputated this year, those who are deprived of their most rudimentary rights.
It is about daily executions all across Iran and thousands of people who are on the death row.
It is about political prisoners who are monitored round the clock in all the cells and wards with closed circuit cameras and eavesdropping equipment. Prisoners who are being constantly tortured and are deprived of their most basic rights.
It is about women who are under double suppression and a destitute society which is constantly living under fear. A society doomed to be ruled by murderers and torturers of their children. And a society which is deprived of the right to political activity and the right to free election.
With these Call for Justice campaigns, you are targeting the regime for its greatest crime. With your campaigns, you have created a new criterion for judging everyone based on their stances on the 1988 massacre.
EU member states and the United States collaborated with the mullahs for years and helped them cover up their crime against humanity.
I urge the people of Europe to question their governments about their continued relations with a regime whose rule relies on genocide.
Now, the mullahs’ deceptions have become transparent for the world. As if the massacred political prisoners and all the 120,000 executed martyrs have come to the field again.
As Massoud Rajavi, the leader of the Iranian Resistance has said about these martyrs, “The pure blood of these martyrs will start simmering… and Khomeini will not be able to extinguish this fire.”
We urge the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to form an independent inquiry committee to investigate the 1988 massacre.
European governments must at least make their trade and diplomatic relations with the Iranian regime contingent on an end to torture and executions.
So long as the mullahs sense that they have a free hand in human rights violations in Iran, they will continue their belligerence and aggressions in the Middle East. And so long as the mullahs continue their belligerence in the region, global security and tranquility will be endangered including in Europe.
The Iranian people and Resistance seek to put an end to religious dictatorship in Iran and the mullahs cannot evade this fate despite their crimes.
I sincerely thank you, dear compatriots, for your efforts in the Call for Justice Campaign and I call on everyone to join these efforts to expand the struggle for freedom and popular sovereignty.
God bless you all.
- Tags: Iran, Massoud Rajavi