Maryam Rajavi welcomes new U.S., U.K. sanctions against clerical regime

Maryam Rajavi, welcomed the new U.S. and U.K. sanctions against the religious fascism ruling Iran and the call by French President for oil and banking sanctions against the regime, and called for imposing comprehensive oil, financial, trade, and diplomatic sanctions against this medieval regime in such a way that it will not be able to bypass the sanctions and ridicule the determination of the world community. Maryam Rajavi, welcomed the new U.S. and U.K. sanctions against the religious fascism ruling Iran and the call by French President for oil and banking sanctions against the regime, and called for imposing comprehensive oil, financial, trade, and diplomatic sanctions against this medieval regime in such a way that it will not be able to bypass the sanctions and ridicule the determination of the world community. She added that the sanctions, called for by the Iranian Resistance for many years, is an inevitable step and a necessary component of a proper policy for preventing the regime from accessing nuclear bomb and confronting its export of terrorism and brutal and systematic violation of human rights. Conducting business and trade with the mullahs ruling Iran during the last three decades has fueled the IRGC, the suppression and export of terrorism machinery, and the nuclear arms program of the regime.
Maryam Rajavi called on the UN Security Council, the G-8 countries, and Iran’s neighbors to impose comprehensive financial and oil sanctions against the Iranian regime and reminded that such sanctions have the support of the vast majority of the Iranian people who yearn for the overthrow of the suppressive mullahs.Following the recent report by the International Atomic Energy Agency, Maryam Rajavi had emphasized that: Sanctions vis-à-vis this regime are necessary, but are not the solution for its nuclear bomb. The solution is the “Third Option” and the overthrow of the religious fascism and removal of its nuclear and terrorist centers; that is why I stress that the only way to prevent access to nuclear bomb by the terrorist dictatorship ruling Iran and the only way to guarantee the international peace and security is the regime change and welcoming a democratic and non-nuclear Iran.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 22, 2011