Condolences of Maryam Rajavi: Victor Gulotta, a great supporter of Iranian Resistance in France, passes away

Victor Gulottawho brought the love and kindness of the French to the Mojahedin left us. His humanity, honesty and endless generosity, however, will remain with us for ever.
Mr. Gulottawas a man of noble nature who rushed to the aid of the Iranian Resistance when they were attacked on June 17, 2003, by allies of the religious fascism ruling Iran who had struck a deal.
He was among those who gave abundant love and support to the Iranian Resistance and exposed the June 17 conspiracy before the public opinion in France and familiarized them the Resistance’s high values.
He was a manifestation of a humane world who chose to stand with those who resist, rush to the aid of Ashraf and Ashrafis, and assist a just Resistance against injustice, oppression, and appeasement.
A Frenchman of Italian descent, he had acquired the great qualities of both nations. He did not speak the language of the Mojahedin, nor did he believe in the same religion, or enjoy the same culture and common history with them. Above all that, however, his heart beat with the Mojahedin and he felt their pain. He loved their humane cause so much that he chose to accompany them. He was exemplary in loving and caring for them without expecting anything for himself. He was unique in expressing the most humble, the most natural and the purest friendship.
In our eyes and our hearts, Victor was a guardian angel for this Resistance. He never lost any opportunity to be alongside the members of this movement. From the onset, he paid the price for what he believed was right. He went to Ashraf in difficult times.
His generosity was matchless and his love for humanity, profound. One could see this in Victor’s love and emotions for our sisters and brothers.
In fact, he was an honorary member of our Resistance and I have no doubts that his soul is now in peace beside our martyred sisters and brothers.