NCRI President-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi meets, holds talks with former US Secretary of State Mr. Mike Pompeo

Friday afternoon, October 6, 2023, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), met and held talks with Mr. Mike Pompeo, former United States Secretary of States.
The two conferred on the explosive situation in Iran and underscored that despite brutal crackdown, including the dramatic rise in executions, the regime has failed to extinguish the flames of the uprising.
Secretary Pompeo said that during the protests, the people of Iran have made it clear that Iran will never return to the dictatorship of the shah, nor will it settle for the current theocracy in Iran.
The former Secretary of State added the world must recognize that these uprisings are aimed at a democratic, free republic of Iran that is devoid of any form of dictatorship.
Secretary Pompeo emphasized that no matter what the regime does, it is doomed to fail, adding, change in Iran can only be achieved by those who have been working toward it, paid the price for it, and have the organizational structure to accomplish that objective.
Mr. Pompeo commended how the organized resistance inside Iran, led by the MEK, have continuously increased their capability.
Mr. Pompeo said that he was appalled that the Office of Special Envoy for Iran at the State Department, in the midst of the Iranian uprising, chose to focus his attacks on the MEK to please the Ayatollah even using the same words that were used by the regime, instead of supporting protesters. He assured Mrs. Rajavi that no patriotic American, Republican or Democrat, should want this.
Regarding the situation at Ashraf 3, in Albania, he said that the United States should do everything in its power to help the Albanian government withstand threats, intimidation, and blackmail by the Iranian regime to ensure the full protection of the Iranian political refugees that live at Ashraf 3 and deny the Iranian regime its wishes to harm the heroes there.
As for the future, Mr. Pompeo emphasized, U.S. policy towards Iran has to be centered around support for this organized opposition and increasing pressure on the regime until it falls.
Mrs. Rajavi expressed gratitude to Mr. Pompeo for pursuing a decisive policy at the State Department against Iran’s ruling theocracy and underscored that despite all repressive measures, including the rise in executions and widespread arrests, the Iranian regime has failed to extinguish the flames of the uprising and that the regime is at it weakest point during its 44-year-long rule.
Mrs. Rajavi also emphasized that experience has affirmed that every time foreign governments have taken a stand against the MEK, either the mullahs’ regime or its operatives have been behind it. The policy of appeasing the mullahs runs counter to the highest interests of the Iranian people and regional peace and security. The international community must hold the Iranian regime’s rulers accountable for four decades of crimes against humanity, she added.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
October 7, 2023
- Tags: Iran Uprising, Maryam Rajavi, MEK, people of Iran