Meeting in French Senate with Senators from various political parties

Maryam Rajavi called on the French Senate, people and government to support Iranian people in their struggle for freedom
• Declaration by Senators for protection of Camp Liberty residents and for an independent inquiry into the Ashraf massacre
On Tuesday, January 21, in a meeting in the French Senate at Luxembourg Palace, a number of French Senators from all political inclinations of the country noted the worrisome condition of human rights in Iran and the Iranian regime’s troublesome role in the crises of countries of the region, particularly in Syria and Iraq, and called for adoption of an effective and serious policy vis-à-vis Iran. Through a statement, they also emphasized the imperative to protect members of the Iranian opposition who have been targeted in the past year with massacres and deadly attacks in Iraq and urged their government to use its influence at the UN Security Council to guarantee protective provisions for Camp Liberty residents and to bring pressure to bear on government of Iraq to clarify the fate of the seven residents abducted during the September 1 massacre of Ashraf.
Statement by French Senators that was announced by Senator Jean-Pierre Michel calls on the French government to request an independent, comprehensive and transparent probe by international experts into the September 1 raid on Iranian refugees stationed in Camp Ashraf at the upcoming conference of the Human Rights Council in March.
Maryam Rajavi, was the key speaker in this meeting who was there at the invitation of the French Committee for a Democratic Iran (CFID) on the eve of Geneva II conference. Rajavi described mullahs’ regime extensive interference in Syria as the principal problem of that country. She stated: “Evicting the Iranian regime from Syria is the only solution for ending the rule of the murderous tyranny in that country.”
In this meeting in presence of Ms. Bariza Khiari, Senate Vice-President, a number of Senators and representative and distinguished French politicians spoke including Senators Alain Néri, Bernard Fournier; Brigitte Allain, member of parliament; Ms. Edite Cresson, former Prime Minister; Alain Vivien, former minister; Frédéric Encel, scholar and university professor; Pierre Bercis, president of the New Human Rights Association; Raymond Tanter, former member of the U.S. National Security Council; and Régine Deforges, writer
In another part of her speech, Maryam Rajavi pointed to the implementation of the interim agreement between P5+1 and the regime and underlined: “The approach by the U.S. and the West during the Geneva talks and in the November 24 nuclear accord suffers from the appeasement attribute, though France’s intervention helped correct it somewhat.
“The implementation of the accord began yesterday. This means that the mullahs, pressured by popular discontent and internal crises, have retreated one step. Had the West shown decisiveness, the mullahs’ nuclear program would have been dismantled at this very stage; but there’s still time.”
Rajavi underscored: “Western governments must compel the regime to accept and fully implement the additional protocol and agree to snap inspections. They must compel the mullahs to shut down their nuclear sites completely and comply with the Security Council resolutions.”
Maryam Rajavi called West’s policy towards the resistance movement that holds the key to change in Iran as flawed and said: “In the past two decades, the West sacrificed human rights, freedom and the resistance of the Iranian people at the altar of its dealings with the mullahs.” She alluded to the disclosures by the Iranian Resistance and its repeated warnings in the past two decades regarding the threat of mullahs’ regime for the region that spreads fundamentalism and said, “Regrettably, with their erroneous policies, Western governments ignored those warnings.”
Rajavi criticized the silence and inaction of U.S. and EU member states regarding repeated massacre of Iranian dissidents in camps Ashraf and Liberty in Iraq in the recent years.
She described the situation of refugees in Camp Liberty as grave and stated: “Mullahs and their puppet government in Iraq are planning to exploit the crisis in Iraq and carry out a major massacre at Camp Liberty and blame it on Al-Qaeda.” She called on the French government to take this case to the Security Council of the United Nations to ensure the protection of the residents of Liberty until their transfer to the Unites States or Europe and to use its position at the Security Council and the European Union, as well as its influence with Iraq to secure the release of the seven Ashraf hostages who are detained by the Iraqi government, immediately transfer asylum-seekers in Camp Liberty to European countries and U.S., provide imperative security equipment to Camp Liberty, deploy UN observers along with a unit of Blue Helmets inside Camp Liberty on a round the clock basis, conduct an independent and full investigation into the Ashraf massacre by United Nations, and sale of the property in Ashraf by residents lawful representative to shoulder the expenses of resettlement.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 21, 2014