Maryam Rajavi meets MEP Dorien Rookmaker

On Monday, September 25, 2023, Maryam Rajavi held a meeting with Ms. Dorien Rookmaker, a former senator from the Netherlands and a member of the European Parliament.
Ms. Rookmaker expressed her appreciation for the opportunity to meet with Maryam Rajavi. She specifically praised the activities of the Resistance Units within Iran, highlighting the remarkable courage of young women and girls who choose to join the ranks of the Iranian Resistance despite facing significant risks. Ms. Rookmaker conveyed to Maryam Rajavi, “You serve as a source of inspiration and motivation not only for Iranian women but also for all of us around the world.”
Ms. Rookmaker further stated, “The regime in Iran sustains its rule through terrorism and executions. Regrettably, the information available to political dignitaries and parliamentarians regarding the actual situation of the regime, the Iranian people, and the resistance is woefully inadequate. The Iranian regime and its lobbyists endeavor to portray a misleading image by disseminating false information. Some politicians unwittingly succumb to this misinformation due to a lack of awareness, economic interests, or political considerations. As representatives of the people, it is our duty to tirelessly disseminate accurate information.” She went on to emphasize, “When we confront both the official and unofficial agents of the regime, they are compelled to retreat.”
Maryam Rajavi remarked, “The Iranian regime is in a significantly weaker position when compared to the previous year. The very factors that triggered the 2022 uprising are still in effect and have, in fact, grown more pronounced. The clerical regime’s sole method of governance remains rooted in executions, instilling fear, and sowing terror. Regrettably, the policy of appeasement only serves to bolster a regime that currently holds the distinction of being the world’s leading executor and the chief sponsor of terrorism in today’s world.”
She continued, stating, “The future for this regime is bleak. Any investment in it is destined for failure. Despite Khamenei’s efforts to install Raisi in office to consolidate their rule, internal divisions among the higher echelons of the regime persist, defections are on the rise, and the regime’s support base dwindles with each passing day.”