Message from Maryam Rajavi to the Rally of Freedom-Loving Iranians Protesting the Presence of the Clerical Regime’s President at the United Nations

Why is the President of the Regime of Executions and Massacres at the United Nations?
Fellow compatriots,
Unyielding Supporters,
Salutes to all of you who amplify the voice of the Iranian people’s uprising and resistance and who carry the message of the Resistance Units to the world, pledging to overthrow the monstrous rule of the mullahs’ Supreme Leader, no matter the cost.
Your powerful gathering today, and over the past four decades, has confronted the United Nations and its member states, especially the Western powers, with this critical question: What is the president of the regime of executions and massacres doing at the United Nations?
Isn’t the United Nations founded on its charter, rooted in “faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person”? Then why is the representative of a regime, which, according to the UN Special Rapporteur on Iran, has committed genocide and crimes against humanity, present at the United Nations?
Atrocity Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity Perpetrated by the Regime
In a report titled “Atrocity Crimes,” and released two months ago, the UN Special Rapporteur stated that the regime committed genocide and crimes against humanity during the 1980s, particularly during the 1988 massacre, and that these crimes against humanity continue to this day. The report calls for the establishment of an international accountability mechanism to hold those responsible for these atrocities—ranging from the Supreme Leader to other regime officials–accountable.
Leaders of such a regime must face justice in international courts. As the Special Rapporteur emphasizes, governments must ensure that the perpetrators of these crimes are brought to justice within the framework of international jurisdiction. Their presence at the United Nations is an affront to the very values upon which the United Nations was founded.
The crimes of the mullahs’ regime extend beyond torture and executions; the abhorrent Velayat-e Faqih regime has driven tens of millions of Iranians below the poverty line and claimed countless lives. The tragic explosion at a mine in Tabas led to the heartbreaking deaths of many hardworking miners. In the aftermath of this horrific event, the Iranian Resistance declared three days of public mourning.
Death Penalty, a Means to Silence Opponents
At least 178 people have been executed since Khamenei’s new president took office. A recent report by Amnesty International confirms that the regime has “intensified the use of the death penalty to silence dissent.” The same machinery of death that operated under the mass murderer Ebrahim Raisi continues its relentless work.
The head of the Velayat-e Faqih snake does not shy away from fueling conflict in the region, as the delivery of missiles and drones for destruction in Ukraine continues. The detested government’s increase in the prices for bread and other goods is driven by the same exploitative agenda.
Although Khamenei’s new president makes numerous hollow promises, he continues the legacy of executions and massacres established by Raisi’s government. Khamenei and his accomplices have no viable solutions to avert their downfall. The Iranian Resistance movement, along with the Resistance Units and countless fighters rising from the volcano of the Iranian people’s anger, is poised to lead the democratic revolution in Iran to victory.
The “No to Executions” Campaign: A Key Component of the Movement to Overthrow the Regime
This awakened generation has placed everything on the scale of uprising. Yes, this is the solution.
As Massoud Rajavi, the Leader of the Iranian Resistance said, resistance and rebellion are the only paths to liberate the people of Iran from the tyranny and oppression of the mullahs.
Khamenei, the turbaned tyrant, has found no solution to maintain his decaying power except through executions. He has orchestrated a sham trial for 104 members of this resistance, issuing decrees of armed insurgency (Bagh-ye) while threatening PMOI/MEK supporters abroad with extradition and handing down death sentences for PMOI/MEK supporters in prisons.
Once again, I call upon everyone to expand the “No to Executions” campaign, which is part of the struggle to overthrow the inhumane mullahs’ regime. We urge the United Nations and its member states to:
Designate the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist entity and impose sanctions against it.
Activate the snapback mechanism under Security Council Resolution 2231 and enforce previous Security Council resolutions.
Hold the leaders of the Iranian regime accountable for their barbaric crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity.
Declare the mullahs’ regime as the primary threat to global peace under Chapter VII of the UN Charter and recognize the Iranian people’s struggle for the regime’s overthrow, along with the rightful fight of the youth and Resistance Units against the terrorist IRGC.
The Iranian people and Resistance movement are determined to overthrow this criminal regime and achieve freedom for Iran and its people.
Long Live Freedom! Long Live the People of Iran! Hail to All of You!