Ms. Edith Cresson, meets Mrs. Rajavi in Auver Sur Oise

Ms. Edith Cresson, the former Prime Minister of France met Mrs. Rajavi at her residence in Auvers-Sur-Oise.
Ms. Cresson expressed her deep concerns over recent developments in Iran. She declared her solidarity with the struggle of Iranian people and the Iranian Resistance for a democratic and secular state.
In reference to reports by French media on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s background on terrorism, hostage taking and oppression, the former European Commissioner, described his appointment as the head of the executive branch a turn for the worse in human rights situation and expressed her concern over the regime’s nuclear program to acquire weapons of mass destruction.
Ms. Cresson supported the common position of the United States and the European Union to get Iranian regime to cease fully all its uranium enrichment activities. She emphasized that mullahs in Iran must respond to the international community’s concerns promptly.
Former Prime Minister of France praised the struggle of Iranian people and in particular women for their legitimate rights. She wished that with the return of democracy, Iran would find the place it deserves within the international community.
Mrs. Rajavi expressed her gratitude for the positions Ms. Cresson has taken on the historic solidarity of the people of Iran and France. This solidarity, she said, has manifested itself in the widespread support of the public in France for the Iranian resistance and their aspiration for freedom in Iran.
- Tags: Iran, Maryam Rajavi, NCRI