Maryam Rajavi’s message to the Iranian demonstration in New York

The presence of Ebrahim Raisi, the henchman of the 1988 massacre, contradicts the United Nations’ raison d’être and is an affront to the people of Iran
Fellow compatriots, and courageous supporters of the Iranian Resistance,
Distinguished dignitaries and the honorable friends of the Iranian Resistance in the United States,
In unison and in step with you and the arisen people all over Iran, we send our warmest greetings to the architects of the uprisings.
We salute all the women and men who protested and staged strikes on the anniversary of the 2022-2023 uprising.
We salute the brave young people who paid the price of arrest and imprisonment and also salute the protesting teenagers and youths martyred after being shot by the criminals under Khamenei’s command.
We salute the MEK prisoners who were subjected to the most brutal pressures and mistreatment, and the valiant members of the Resistance Units who kept alight the flames of the uprising for the regime’s overthrow.
Your demonstration today in New York is an outpouring from the same intense volcano that is fueling unrest in the heart of Iranian society.
The next uprising is underway
There are proud days in the history of the United Nations, like the day when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was ratified. Unfortunately, there are also days filled with shame and disgrace.
And today is among the ugliest and darkest days of the UN because the bloodthirsty president of the mullahs’ regime is present there.
This event blatantly contradicts the United Nations’ raison d’être and is an affront to the people of Iran.
The criminal, who has managed to reach the United Nations despite the repugnance of the Iranian people and the bipartisan opposition of US lawmakers, does not represent our people. His hands are tainted with the blood of thousands, including MEK members and other combatant prisoners who were massacred in 1988. He must be held accountable for his crimes against humanity.
But these shameless theatrics, namely welcoming the mullahs’ criminal president at the UN headquarters, can never obscure the profound, ongoing, and major developments in Iran, no matter how much the mullahs and the IRGC publicize them.
The shining truth is that despite the regime’s relentless repression, the social readiness for the eruption of an uprising has increased, the regime is at an impasse, the Iranian people’s protest movement and their Resistance Units have found their way, and the next uprising is looming.
Neither brutal clampdown nor the policy of appeasement or secret dealings with foreign powers can prevent the regime’s overthrow.
As [the Iranian Resistance Leader,] Massoud Rajavi said: “Following the 2022-2023 uprising, the wheels of time have been set in motion, and the course towards a new democratic revolution in Iran is irreversible.”
Appeasement is flagrant assistance to the murderers of the people of Iran
Dear friends and compatriots,
The next day after the uprising, Khamenei and the IRGC resorted to every crime to suppress the people, from doubling the number of executions, and harassing the families of the martyrs to arresting, torturing, and executing Baluch youths, and all kinds of threats to grounding Iranian Kurdish groups in Iraqi Kurdistan or expelling university professors.
Despite all this, the regime has never been spared from the anger and outcry of the restive people: the protests of workers, pensioners, nurses, and young people’s relentless attacks on the agents of repression have besieged the regime.
On the founding anniversary of the MEK, the Resistance Units carried out 59 anti-repression operations.
And on the anniversary of the 2022 uprising, at the height of the regime’s massive clampdown, they successfully carried out 414 anti-repression operations in Tehran and 40 other cities.
In such a situation, no divine intervention will untangle any knot from this regime that has reached the end of the line.
Stop giving aid to the godfather of terrorism
These include:
Disgraceful deals with the executioners of the Iranian people, including the 6 billion dollars given to Khamenei and the IRGC in recent days, as well as the return of some of the regime’s agents to Iran, imprisoned in the US on criminal charges, terrorism, or violation of sanctions.
Allowing the bomb-making mullahs’ 60% uranium enrichment and the IAEA Board of Governors’ refraining from issuing a resolution against the regime’s egregious violations.
This goes beyond mere deal-making. It constitutes blatant support for the murders of the Iranian people and serves to enable the godfather of terrorism in today’s world.
We tell them to heed call by the Resolution 100 in the US House of Representatives, supported by 240 lawmakers.
Heed the call by majorities in the parliaments of France, Italy, and Britain, and the call by 124 former presidents and prime ministers, and more than 3,600 lawmakers in more than 40 countries representing hundreds of millions of Americans and Europeans.
By emphasizing the Ten-Point Plan of the Iranian Resistance, they declared that they stand with the Iranian people, and recognize the right of the Iranian people to fight for the establishment of a democratic republic based on the separation of religion and state, and a non-nuclear Iran.
I must emphasize that the Iranian people and Resistance do not ask for help from any government or power to overthrow the regime and establish freedom and democracy.
What they want is for governments in the West and East to stop providing aid to this murderous regime.
They must prosecute Khamenei and Raisi in an international court for genocide and crimes against humanity.
They must place the clerical regime under Chapter VII of the UN Charter as a threat to world peace and security.
They should recognize the struggle of the Iranian people to overthrow the regime and the legitimacy of the resistance waged by the rebellious youths against the IRGC.
Hoisting the flag of the Democratic Revolution
Our people have found the path to victory and freedom.
This clear path involves a decisive break from both the Shah and the mullahs, raising the flag of a democratic revolution and a democratic republic at the pinnacle of the uprisings.
This clear path is one of organized uprising. This clear path is paved by the Resistance Units and the great army of the Iranian people’s freedom.
The democratic revolution of the people of Iran will triumph.
God bless you all