News and Activities

Maryam Rajavi’s speech at the conference, entitled “Four Decades of Crime against Humanity and Impunity from Punishment,” on the 35th anniversary of the 1988 massacre

A conference in Paris on Monday, August 21, 2023, marked the 35th anniversary of the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran. Entitled, “Four Decades of Crime against Humanity and Impunity from Punishment,”


Maryam Rajavi and Rama Yade, Former French Secretary of Human Rights, Meet

Ms. Rama Yade, the former French Secretary of Human Rights and director of the Atlantic Council’s Africa Center, met with Maryam Rajavi at her residence in Auvers-sur-Oise.


Maryam Rajavi addresses Luigi Einaudi Foundation in Italy

Upon the invitation of the Luigi Einaudi Foundation, Maryam Rajavi attended a meeting at this research center.


Reinstating the guidance patrols to suppress, terrorize, and kill, only reflect the regime’s profound fear of the outbreak of yet another uprising

Reinstating the guidance patrols to suppress, terrorize, and kill, only reflect the regime’s profound fear of the outbreak of yet another uprising led by Iranian women.


Maryam Rajavi attends the hearing of the Italian Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee

At noon on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, Maryam Rajavi arrived at Italy's Chamber of Deputies to participate in a hearing hosted by the Foreign Affairs Committee.


Meeting with the Hon. Andrea Di Giuseppe, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament of Italy

Meeting with Mr. Andrea Di Giuseppe, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Italian Parliament.

Meeting with Senator Malan, the leader of Italy’s Senate Majority

Meeting with Senator Lucio Malan, the leader of the Italian Senate Majority. He acknowledged the declarations made by the majority of members in both chambers.


Meeting with the Vice-President and Distinguished Members of the Italian Senate in Rome

Meeting with a delegation from the Italian Senate in Rome led by the Senate Vice-President, Maria Domenica Castellone.

Iranian dissident group gets extraordinary official embrace from Italy

MEK leader addresses Italian parliament committee, a move that could further strain relations between Rome and Tehran.

Maryam Rajavi Addresses a Joint Conference featuring Some Members of Both Chambers of the Italian Parliament

The Declaration of the Majority of Members in Both Chambers of the Italian Parliament Offers an Appropriate and Principled Policy towards the Clerical Regime


Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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