News and Activities

Addressing a conference at the Italian Parliament

Maryam Rajavi: The Italian Senate's majority support for the Iranian uprising and Resistance and rejection of all forms of dictatorship, including both monarchical and religious regimes


Intentional and Criminal Poisoning of Female Students Resumes After Nowruz Holidays

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi calls for an independent international investigation into Khamenei's crime committed to counter the uprising.


Condolences on the passing of a great man, François Colcombet

Salute to a staunch supporter of the Iranian people's Resistance and one of the contemporary honors of France!


Maryam Rajavi: The people of Iran are determined to overthrow the regime and nothing can stand in their way

Speech to the PMOI gathering welcoming Liam Fox and Franz-Josef Jung, the former Defense Ministers of UK and Germany


During their visit to Ashraf-3, Maryam Rajavi met with Liam Fox and Josef Jung

The former Ministers of Defense of the UK and Germany emphasized the need for blacklisting the IRGC

Welcoming Nowruz as Uprising and Revolution Persist

Congratulations on the Nowruz that follows the Iran uprising and revolution


Message to Iranians and courageous supporters of the Iranian Resistance in Belgium

Maryam Rajavi: Today’s gathering demonstrates the Iranian people’s will to have Khamenei’s IRGC designated as terrorist

Message to the Iranian New Year celebration at the UK Parliament

Maryam Rajavi: As we celebrate the Iranian New Year, let us renew our commitment to establish freedom and democracy in Iran


Message to the US Senate meeting in support of the Iranian people’s uprising for freedom

Your presence sends an encouraging message to the people of Iran, especially the women and youth who took to the streets in recent months to protest against the regime, demanding regime change


Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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