News and Activities

International Women’s Day Conference in Paris Featuring Women Dignitaries from 28 Countries

Maryam Rajavi: Women’s Active and Equal Participation in Political Leadership Is Indispensable to Democracy


Conference at the Italian Senate

Maryam Rajavi: The solution lies with the Iranian people, their resistance movement, and uprising against the clerical regime


Iran: Resisting Tyranny, An Oppressive Judiciary, Combating State Terrorism

Maryam Rajavi: Justice, court, trial, and an independent judiciary are non-existent concepts under the clerical regime in Iran


Nationwide boycott and all-out defeat for Khamenei in the mullahs’ sham election

Mrs. Rajavi congratulates the Iranian people's determination and will in the referendum to boycott the regime and its fraudulent elections


Dr. Vidal-Quadras is the symbol of a historical protest against the policy of appeasement

On Thursday, February 29, 2024, Maryam Rajavi welcomed Professor Alejo Vidal Quadras, President of the International Committee In Search of Justice and former Vice President of the European Parliament, on his first trip to...


Mid-term session of the national council of resistance of Iran on the eve of the sham elections of the mullahs’ regime

For 43 years, the people and the Resistance of Iran have not recognized the slightest legitimacy in the regime's sham election,


Meeting with Rosalía Arteaga Serrano, Ecuador’s former Vice President and Acting President

Maryam Rajavi met and held talks with Ms. Rosalía Arteaga Serrano, Ecuador's former Acting President, during the transition, Vice-President, and the Minister of Education.


Perseverance of Iran’s Political Prisoners Epitomizes Unyielding Defiance Against Both Shah and Clerical Dictatorships

The Iranian Judiciary sentenced three women prisoners and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) to a total of 35 years in prison on February 17th.


Maryam Rajavi Holds Talks with Romanian Parliamentary Delegation Led by Mr. Ardelean, Deputy Leader of the National Liberal Party and Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee

On Saturday, February 17, 2024, a delegation from the Romanian Parliament, consisting of Messrs. Ben-Oni Ardelean and Cristian Popescu, both members of parliament, and former MPs Romeo Florin Nicoara and Ms. Maria Grecea, visited...


Maryam Rajavi Meets with Alain Néri and Michel Terrot

On the afternoon of Thursday, February 8, 2024, Mr. Alain Néri and Michel Terrot, two of the founders of the French Parliamentary Committee for a Democratic Iran (CPID), met with the NCRI President-elect and...


Maryam Rajavi

President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

The President-elect of the NCRI for the period to transfer sovereignty to the people of Iran

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