Paris – Conference on “Middle East in crisis, threats and solutions”

Growth of extremist terrorist groups in Iraq is the by-product of Iranian regime’s dominion and suppression by Maliki and offering a role to this regime in reining in the crisis will stir up a still greater catastrophe
Through regional crisis mullahs are looking to delay signing the final nuclear agreement or to extract concessions that would leave open the path to the atomic bomb
Maryam Rajavi, said on Monday, September 1: The fall of Maliki in Iraq is a strategic blow to the mullahs’ regime which came about through the resistance of the Iraqi people and as such the regime’s chief launch pad for exporting fundamentalism has crumbled. Now, while Khamenei and Maliki are doing their outmost to turn back the clock, in fact a return to the previous balance of power in Iraq is impossible.
Maryam Rajavi who was speaking at an international conference in Paris titled “First Anniversary of Ashraf massacre, Middle East in crisis, threats and solutions” noted: The new Iraqi government will be tested by the degree to which it distances itself from the Iranian regime and allows participation by the representatives of all sectors of the Iraqi society, as well as in holding truly free elections under the auspices of the United Nations uninhibited by the Iranian regime’s influence.
At the presence of international figures from the United States, Europe and the Middle East, Rajavi noted that the growth and expansion of extremist terrorist groups, before all else, is the by-product of Iranian regime’s dominion over Iraq and suppression by Maliki. Thus, confronting ISIS without evicting the regime of Velayat-e faqih and its terrorist groupings from Iraq is fruitless. The murderous rampage and brutality of ISIS in the massacre of the Yazidis and the Christians and the beheading of journalists that have scarred the conscience of the world is the other side of the coin of the crimes perpetrated by Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, Kata’ib Hezbollah and the 9 Badr who are concurrently slaughtering prisoners, blowing up mosques, massacring worshipers, and pillaging and terrorizing people.
Rajavi stated: The catastrophes that are taking place in Iraq today emanate from the fact that the U.S. gave a share of governance of Iraq to the Iranian regime and by withdrawing its forces, completely handed over that country to the mullahs. She warned that those who are calling for the Iranian regime to play a role in containing the Iraqi crisis are setting the stage for an even greater catastrophe and is like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. Through its deceitful support for the global desire to confront ISIS, the Iranian regime is trying to restore its damaged dominion in Iraq.
Mrs. Rajavi stressed that the terrorism that has engulfed the Middle East today is the outcome of inaction by the West in face of tyrants, especially the Iranian regime. Such inaction has emboldened this regime to augment its meddling in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon by storming into Yemen; dispatching its clerics and revolutionary guards and in effect occupying large swaths of that country.
Speaking on the nuclear negotiations she said: Cultivating on the regional crisis, the Iranian rulers are looking to either delay the signing of the final agreement or to extract concessions that would preserve their ability to obtain the nuclear bomb. Any agreement that does not include the complete implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions, a total halt to enrichment, and allows snap inspections will leave the path open for the regime to obtain the nuclear bomb.
The participants commemorated 52 Ashraf Mojaheds who were massacred by Maliki’s forces on September 1 last year, as well the seven others, including six women, who were taken hostage. The speakers warned of the imminent perils that threaten Camp Liberty resident and called on the United States and the United Nations to live up to their commitments regarding the safety and security of 2800 refugees who are all protected persons and to compel the Government of Iraq to remove the anti-human blockade against Camp Liberty, in particular entry of fuel, food and medicine. The speakers underlined the fact that the international community should not remain silent in the face of crime against humanity and thus allow another humanitarian catastrophe to unfold at Camp Liberty.
In this conference, in addition to Mrs. Rajavi, the following offered speeches: From the United States: General Hugh Shelton, Chairman of the Army Joint Chiefs of Staff (1997-2001); Tom Ridge, first Secretary of Homeland Security; Edward Rendell, former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee and Governor of Pennsylvania; Michael Mukasey, Attorney General (2007-2009); Patrick Kennedy, member of House of Representatives (1995-2011); from the European Parliament: Tunne Kelam, Julie Ward and Judith Kirton-Darling MEPs; from Algeria: Sid Ahmed Ghozali, former Prime Minister; from Syria: Haitham al-Maleh, Chairman of Judiciary Bureau of National Coalition; Hakim Nazir, Secretary of Political Bureau of National Coalition; from Netherlands: Adrianus Melkert, Special Representative of UN Secretary-General for Iraq (2009-2011); from France: Rama Yade, former French Minister for Human Rights and Vice President of Radical Party; Dominique Lefebvre, member of French National Assembly; Jean-Francois Legaret, Mayor of Paris 1st District; Yves Bonnet, former Head of DST; Jean-Pierre Brard, former Senator; Judge Francois Colcombet, joint Chief of French Committee for a Democratic Iran; Cynthia Fleury, neo-philosopher.
In this conference Robert Torricelli, former member of the U.S. Senate and the legal representative of Ashraf and Liberty residents who presided over this program read out the letter of Tareq al-Hashimi, former Vice-President of Iraq, to the President of the United States and the Secretary-General of the United Nations which condemns the massacre on September 1 of 52 Mojaheds who resided in Ashraf. In this letter, Mr. Hashimi calls for an independent probe into this crime and the referral of its perpetrators to an international court. Senator Torricelli also read out the letter of 35 representatives of the parliament of Iraq in this respect.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 1, 2014