Message to parliamentary symposium in Britain

Mr. President,
Lord Corbett
Ladies and gentlemen,
I salute your gathering.
I would like to first express my gratitude
to the “British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom” and the “International Parliamentary Campaign in Defense of Ashraf” for initiating this conference.
I would like to also commend members of the House of Commons for the valuable Early Day Motion (EDM), emphasizing the importance to safeguard Ashraf security and also the need to de-list the PMOI from the U.S. List of terrorist organizations.
Dear friends
3 days ago the Egyptian people’s uprising succeeded. The dictatorship ruling that country fell.
Before that, Tunisian People’s uprising triumphed. We know that people in other parts of the region are also protesting.
In fact, the spring of freedom has arrived in the Middle East. People are demanding democracy everywhere.
Young people and women are the active forces of this movement.
The wave of change in the region is to the detriment of the mullahs in Iran, who are unable to deal with the explosive state of the Iranian society, and express their fear about the situation.
The current developments revealed that the Western Policy is lagging behind developments.
They also proved the failure of the premises that set the basis for the policy of appeasement.
Appeasers denied popular urge for democracy in the region.
They denied the importance of human rights for the region and sacrificed it for diplomatic and economic interests.
The uprisings of the peoples of Tunisia and Egypt proved that these theories and the policies that were based on them were totally wrong.
For years we criticized the West for joining the mullahs in suppression of the Iranian democratic Resistance.
Recent developments proved that our views and criticisms were right.
We truly wish success for our sisters and brothers in Tunisia and Egypt in establishing democracy and freedom in their countries.
Therefore, addressing those who are worried about developments in the region, one should say:
Concentrate on the main threat: The Iranian regime.
It is therefore a mistake to ignore the threats of the religious fascism ruling Iran to the regional countries, and overlook its destructive role in diverting popular uprisings towards fundamentalism and extremism.
Dear friends,
Many Western governments have acknowledged that the main threat to peace and stability is the Iranian regime.
But this is not enough. The policy that paved the way for this regime must change.
We cannot forget how far the British government went in appeasing the mullahs in Iran paving its way, and obstructing the path for change in Iran by proscribing the PMOI.
At that time, both Houses of the British Parliament were crying out loud that the mullahs are behind the PMOI designation.
Now, the Wikileaks documents report of secret meetings by Foreign Office officials and officials from the US embassy in London with agents from the Iranian regime’s intelligence services to discuss the PMOI.
This was the flow of so-called “classified documents” fabricated by the mullahs for both Foreign Office and the US State Department.
This is how fundamentalism has spread its presence and reached even the Foreign Office.
This situation reminds us of the famous words of Sir Winston Churchill who said “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”
Undoubtedly damage from appeasing will continue to affect everyone, unless the British government adopts the policy of regime change in Iran and stands with the Iranian people and their struggle for change. Britain has to close this catastrophic chapter by recognizing the Iranian Resistance.
Dear friends,
Following uprisings in the region, change in policy vis-à-vis Iran is even more crucial, otherwise the Iranian regime will disrupt the democratic trend in the region.
Look at the situation in Iraq as an example; you can see how the mullahs profited the war and the US policy of appeasement in order to penetrate that country’s security, political and economic organs and to dominate it.
They tried to influence the elections in Iraq by resorting to terrorism, intimidation and allocating a large sum of money for this purpose. After the elections they have used all efforts to bring a favored government to power.
Therefore, the disastrous consequence of the barriers the West has placed on the path of change in Iran is not limited to that country. Today, the entire region is suffering from the West’s misguided policy toward Iran.
This is why, maintaining the PMOI on the US terrorist list is hundred times more harmful today than before.
In January, mullahs executed 91 people including prisoners affiliated to PMOI whose crime were propaganda for PMOI and visit to Ashraf.
In the meantime, Ashraf has been the target of repeated attacks.
The attack of January 7 left 176 – One Hundred seventy six – residents injured.
Round-the- clock psychological torture of the residents with 180 (one hundred and eighty) loudspeakers – by mullahs’ agents; with the full support of the Iraqi Prime Minister has entered its second year.
In absence of a decisive reaction by international community, the loudspeakers are now blaring vile insults at women residents in Ashraf.
This, According to the international declaration of elimination of violence against women, is considered as a Crime.
In recent weeks even entry of medicin for Ashraf residents that they had bought by their own resources under the supervision of Iraqi director of Ashraf’s hospital has been blocked.
How can one justify such a major crime against protected persons?
The Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Office recently confirmed in a debate at the House of Lords that these actions are either organized by the Iraqi government or authorized by it.
It is time that the United States ends disregards for its commitments towards Ashraf and resumes its protection according to international law.
And it is time that the US removes the terror label from the PMOI and no longer hinders change in Iran,
and for the United Nations to set up a permanent monitoring team in Ashraf.
I am confident that the honorable British parliamentarians will achieve greater achievements in their campaign to remove the obstacles to change in Iran.
The Iranian people will neither forget the bitterness of appeasement in their history , nor will they ever forget the glory of the brilliant initiative by 35 UK lawmakers in fighting to de-list the PMOI.
At a time when some politicians took pride of appeasing the religious fascism, these noble representatives of the British people, rose to defend justice till the Iranian people’s movement for freedom was delisted.
They symbolize Britain’s true values. I salute them and all friends of the Iranian resistance.
I salute Lord Corbett, Lord Archer, Baroness Boothroyd, Lord Clark, Lord Wadington, Lord Carlile, Lord Alton, Lord Fraser, Baroness Turner, Lord Dholakia, Lord Mayhew, Lord Turnberg, Lord Maginnis and Lord King,
The honorable members of parliament; David Ames, , Andrew Mackinlay, Roger Gale, Steve Mc Cabe, Brian Binley, Roger Williams and John Leech and distinguished lawyers David Vaughan and Edward Grieves for their efforts in this respect.
And I would like to pay homage to the memory of Lord Slynn of Hadley who is still alive in your treasured collective efforts.
I thank you all
- Tags: Iran, Maryam Rajavi, MEK